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Briefcase - Printable Version

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Briefcase - iGetty - 10.12.2011

How could I create a Briefcase command that will allow people to store Drugs, weapons, cash and materials inside it and save to a Dini file? With the player's name. Then load them when they spawn so then when they do /briefcase to get an item it will get it. Then it will save the file with - amount of what they got? Thank you and I will +rep you if you can help me. I use ZCMD so if it's possible please make it with ZCMD. Thank you so much!

Re: Briefcase - bartje01 - 10.12.2011

Not the right place to ask for scripts..

Re: Briefcase - iGetty - 10.12.2011

They take too long to reply I posted it like, 5 months ago and nobody replied to it.

Re: Briefcase - Wezley_Sherman - 10.12.2011

First off you would have to make it to where it sets the suit case as a player object that way it looks more realistic and second off you would need to create a system that saves the contents of the suit case. Once you do all that just do a simple dialog and when the player puts something in it have it update that ini file that has the briefcases contents. Hope this helped!

Re: Briefcase - iGetty - 10.12.2011

That's what I don't understand, the .ini part. I can't understand the file-saving thing. I stopped scripting for too long, now I've come back, I've forgot. I know the rest just not the Dini part.

Re: Briefcase - Wezley_Sherman - 10.12.2011

Well do the codes already have a login/register system? it should save there kills/deaths/password ect.. Just copy one of those other then the password and have it be like. Crack,weed,money ect.. give rep if this helps :P