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Whats this sht? - Printable Version

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Whats this sht? - F0RG3T - 05.12.2011

This is my problem ... [ame][/ame]
Please help!

Re: Whats this sht? - Cole_William - 05.12.2011

Um.... Hmmmm next time show us the error Code or post it below

Re: Whats this sht? - F0RG3T - 05.12.2011

No error code, just what you saw there.

Re: Whats this sht? - SnG.Scot_MisCuDI - 05.12.2011

it used to happen to me.. But i closed my Xfire and it worked again. If you have it open try to close.

Re: Whats this sht? - Thresholdold - 05.12.2011

Go to your San Andreas User Files and delete gta_sa.set

Re: Whats this sht? - Camacorn - 06.12.2011

This is a very common issue, if the post above is of no help, do the following:

1) Goto 'My Computer'.
2) Goto your hard drive, by default this is usually disc C:.
3) Goto 'Program Files'.
4) Goto 'Rockstar Games'.
5) Rename 'GTA San Andreas' to something like 'GTA San Andreas 2'.

That should work, you may have to copy/paste the SAMP.exe file from the renamed GTA San Andreas folder in order to open it.

Re: Whats this sht? - F0RG3T - 06.12.2011

Still wont work.
Here is what happens, i open SA-MP like usual, take my selected server , enter it , loading bar goes to 75% SA-MP CLOSES DIRECTLY no crash reports, no gta_sa.set with gta San Andreas 2 , re-installed it with the CD over a million times, what to doooo.

Re: Whats this sht? - Thresholdold - 06.12.2011

Don't go into your GTA:SA Directory, go into your User Files. Otherwise, use the search bar while you're in the 'Libraries' section (Windows Explorer for Windows 7 Users)

Re: Whats this sht? - F0RG3T - 06.12.2011

I know there isent a gta sa set in the userfiles cause i keep deleting it -.-

Re: Whats this sht? - Dahkid - 06.12.2011

Same issue as mine, just that i never had the GTA_SA.set in my GTA User Files