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[FilterScript] anti-flood to spare, choose yours! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [FilterScript] anti-flood to spare, choose yours! (/showthread.php?tid=301748)

-- - DesingMyCry - 05.12.2011


Re: anti-flood to spare, choose yours! - GtaO_Magnifico - 05.12.2011

Nice work

Re : anti-flood to spare, choose yours! - rbcrp - 13.12.2011

Nice one (;

Re: anti-flood to spare, choose yours! - Kwarde - 13.12.2011

This one isn't good...

1) The English of this topic is bad, I don't understand it at all
2) The scripts can be in one
3) The site Deposit Files sucks (the waiting time etc.
4) THE FILTERSCRIPTS AREN'T ENGLISH! - Go to your own language board.

Oh my god...

pawn Код:
//Somewhere is this:
SendClientMessageInfo(playerid, "has sido kickeado por flood en el chat");

//And that is this function
stock SendClientMessageInfo(jugadorid, const cadena[])
    new contenedor[500]; //<< FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! 500!
    format(contenedor, sizeof(contenedor), ">> Info: {FFFFFF}%s.", cadena); //Why would you do this? -.-
    SendClientMessage(jugadorid, 0xFFE300FF, contenedor);

Re: anti-flood to spare, choose yours! - Astralis - 13.12.2011

add pastebin. Thanks.

Re: anti-flood to spare, choose yours! - Sinner - 13.12.2011