MySQL Help!! -
GamingTurf - 28.11.2011
The unban command itself works fine, it gets deleted from the database.
However, the reason, date + IP does not display (It's saved properly in the database, as i see it in PHPMyAdmin fine.)
What have i done wrong?
pawn Код:
new checkquery2[128];
format(checkquery2, sizeof(checkquery2), "SELECT `Username` FROM `bans` WHERE `Username` = '%s'", tmp);
if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) //BANNED
new line[500];
if(mysql_fetch_row(line)) //Fetches the line
new data[5][128]; //The data strings
sscanf(line, "p<|>sssss", data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4]); //Splits the line with sscanf
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have unbanned the player {1B8AE4}%s(%s)", tmp, data[3]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string);
format(string,sizeof(string), "[Ban Details] Banned by {1B8AE4}%s {FFFFFF}• {1B8AE4}[Reason: %s] {FFFFFF}at {1B8AE4}[%s]", data[2], data[1], data[4]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, string);
format(string,sizeof(string), "Admin %s has unbanned %s [Banned by: %s, reason: %s]", PlayerName(playerid), tmp, data[2], data[4]);
new deletequery2[128];
format(deletequery2, sizeof(deletequery2), "DELETE FROM bans WHERE Username = '%s'", tmp);
return 1;
Re: MySQL Help!! -
GamingTurf - 28.11.2011
Please help!
+rep will be given!
Re: MySQL Help!! -
LoF - 28.11.2011
I had the same problem too. Anybody got a solution?
Re: MySQL Help!! -
GamingTurf - 28.11.2011
Why is no-one helping us, LoF ??
Re: MySQL Help!! -
LoF - 28.11.2011
Not sure GamingTurf, people must be busy or people don't know the answer.
Re: MySQL Help!! -
Nodroz - 28.11.2011
" format(checkquery2, sizeof(checkquery2), "SELECT `Username` FROM `bans` WHERE `Username` = '%s'", tmp);"
You aren't loading the ban information.
Re: MySQL Help!! -
Nodroz - 28.11.2011
What do you use Data[4] for ?
For bantime, or banreason?
Re: MySQL Help!! -
GamingTurf - 28.11.2011
Data[4] is for the Date.
And how can i load the ban information? I tried with that sscanf line.
Re: MySQL Help!! -
Nodroz - 28.11.2011
Well, here are some lines from my script to login. You might can copy some stuff from it.
new id, playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],pass[50], money, score, banned, elite, kills, deaths, jailed, jailtimeleft, rank, muted, ip[20], registerdate[10], lastlogged[10], planesteals, drugsteals;
mysql_format(MySqlConnection, query, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Playername='%e'",GetName(playerid));
sscanf(result,"p<|>is[50]iiiiiiiiiis[50]s[20]s[10]s[10]ii", id, playername, money, score, banned, elite, kills, deaths, jailed, jailtimeleft, rank, muted, pass, ip, registerdate, lastlogged, planesteals, drugsteals);
new day;
new month;
new year;
getdate(year, month, day);
mysql_format(MySqlConnection,query,"UPDATE users SET LastLogged='%d/%d/%d', IP='%s' WHERE Playername='%e'",day,month,year,GetPVarStr(playerid,"IP"),GetName(playerid));
Re: MySQL Help!! -
GamingTurf - 28.11.2011
Can anyone help?
Myself and nodroz tried, could not resolve this problem.
Anyone else see what is wrong with this?