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Entire script vanished - Printable Version

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Entire script vanished - knackworst - 20.11.2011

Hi, I was testing my GM and while GTA was still running I tried to compile my script (was planning to use /gmx ingame, ich works all the time), then it said something with stream error or something, so I closed pawn, whitout saving the latest changes because I didn't make so many changes..., but the next time I open up my GM in pawn, it vanished... all the lines are gone, I have got a backup but it's not that up-to-date, please help!

Re: Entire script vanished - MP2 - 20.11.2011

Go back in time and make a backup.

Re: Entire script vanished - knackworst - 20.11.2011

Listen kiddo, I made a backup, but just not very recent (didn't I mention it?)
also please say something usefull, else just don't waste your and my time

Re: Entire script vanished - zombieking - 20.11.2011

Umm.. yeah there's nothing to do about that...
This happened to me also... But I did REMADE everything I lost from the script, I suggest you to do it too

Re: Entire script vanished - knackworst - 20.11.2011

But, I did not compile the script before it vanished, is there any way that I can convert my amx to pwn?

Re: Entire script vanished - Ash. - 20.11.2011

May I ask, what is your operating system?

Re: Entire script vanished - knackworst - 20.11.2011

Microsoft Windows Vista

Re: Entire script vanished - Steven82 - 20.11.2011

Well truthfully it's gone. You can try a de-amx'er but guess what? Those things are a waste of time. It's better to just rescript everything. Good luck.

AW: Entire script vanished - Babul - 20.11.2011

you can also search through your docs and settings for any temp.pwn file.
and: try any file-recovery program, and try to resolve as many files as you can. maybe theres 1 recently saved version aswell (if you saved it with a different name?) - GL!

Re: Entire script vanished - MP2 - 20.11.2011

Originally Posted by knackworst
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Listen kiddo, I made a backup, but just not very recent (didn't I mention it?)
also please say something usefull, else just don't waste your and my time
Failing to back up is your own fault, and nothing can be done.