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[FilterScript] [FS] Auto HostName,Map,GM - Printable Version

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[FS] Auto HostName,Map,GM - forgottenkings - 19.11.2011

Auto HostName,MAP,GM
pawn Code:
#include <a_samp>
public OnFilterScriptInit()
return 1;
forward hostname();
public hostname()
   new var = random(5);
   switch (var)
     case 0: SendRconCommand("hostname _______|-Clan Of Honourable Knights-|_______");
     case 1: SendRconCommand("hostname _______|-Professional Clan-|_______");
forward mapname();
public mapname()
   new var = random(5);
   switch (var)
     case 0: SendRconCommand("mapname China Town!");
     case 1: SendRconCommand("mapname India!");
     case 2: SendRconCommand("mapname New Verstroia!");
     case 3: SendRconCommand("mapname DigiWorld");
     case 4: SendRconCommand("mapname EgyPt");
forward gamemode();
public gamemode()
   new var = random(2);
   switch (var)
     case 0: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext MYGM");
     case 1: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext New GM");

This is a simple hostname,map,gm name changing fs just try it for a cool

Re: [FS] Auto HostName,Map,GM - Luis- - 19.11.2011

Sounds pretty good. Good job.

Re: [FS] Auto HostName,Map,GM - forgottenkings - 19.11.2011

thanks :P

Re: [FS] Auto HostName,Map,GM - DayaKisteme - 19.11.2011

#include <a_samp>
public OnFilterScriptInit()
    SetTimer("Randoms",3000, true);

    return 1;

forward Randoms();
public Randoms()
   switch (random(2))
     case 0: SendRconCommand("hostname _______|-Clan Of Honourable Knights-|_______");
     case 1: SendRconCommand("hostname _______|-Professional Clan-|_______");

   switch (random(5))
     case 0: SendRconCommand("mapname China Town!");
     case 1: SendRconCommand("mapname India!");
     case 2: SendRconCommand("mapname New Verstroia!");
     case 3: SendRconCommand("mapname DigiWorld");
     case 4: SendRconCommand("mapname EgyPt");

   switch (random(2))
     case 0: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext MYGM");
     case 1: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext New GM");

   return 1;

Re: [FS] Auto HostName,Map,GM - vassilis - 19.11.2011

pawn Code:
public ChangeHostName()
new var=random(7);
case 0: SendRconCommand("hostname [NBTDM]And Stunts Server");
case 1: SendRconCommand("hostname Total Deathmatch World[NBTDM]");
case 2: SendRconCommand("hostname The Adrenaline World Of [NBTDM]");
case 3: SendRconCommand("hostname [NBTDM]");
case 4: SendRconCommand("hostname [*NEW*]CS Maps [NBTDM]Total StuntWar World");
case 5: SendRconCommand("hostname [][NBTDM]{.::G::}Stunt World");
case 6: SendRconCommand("hostname Stunt•Tdm•Dm•Race•Fun•Advanced StuntWorld");

public GameModeChanger()
new var=random(9);
switch (var)
case 0: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext Stunts•Team Deathmatch•Deathmatch•Race•Clans");
case 1: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext Made By Blacklisted_Bboy •[]•");
case 2: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext Events/Races/Fun/War/Stunt/TDM");
case 3: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext Join Clan now");
case 4: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext");
case 5: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext Total Deathmatch/TDM And Adrenaline Club");
case 6: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext •A•drenaline Stunt World Have Fun Now!!");
case 7: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext [•N•B•T•D•M•]•A•N•D•S•T•U•N•T•S•S•E•R•V•E•R");
case 8: SendRconCommand("gamemodetext [•NEW•]Counter Strike Maps ADDED Now Join Us");

public MapNameChanger()
new var=random(4);
switch (var)
case 0: SendRconCommand("mapname cs_italy,de_dust2,island,+10 dmzones");
case 1: SendRconCommand("mapname Made By Blacklisted®!");
case 2: SendRconCommand("mapname Stuntmania World Of No Balance®");
case 3: SendRconCommand("mapname ®Total Fun Of Adrenaline StuntWorld");
...from my gamemode..i can;t understand why its similar..

Re: [FS] Auto HostName,Map,GM - DayaKisteme - 19.11.2011

I think no need to make 3 seperate timer.

Re: [FS] Auto HostName,Map,GM - Astralis - 19.11.2011

hm dude. U making useful fs's. Thanks.

Respuesta: [FS] Auto HostName,Map,GM - [Nikk] - 04.12.2011

Thanks, veyr good

Re: [FS] Auto HostName,Map,GM - bye - 03.08.2012
