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Hiring a scripter. - Printable Version

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Hiring a scripter. - James.Clement - 19.11.2011

I run a community called Fort Carson Roleplay.

I have alot of issues with my game mode that i cannot fix that i do not have a scripter for, so i am hiring a scripter.

Job details:
1. No payment (But i might pay you during holidays at steam game sales)
2. You will get co-owner status on server.
3. Once we build trust, FTP access.
4. Teamspeak administrator and forum administrator.
5. You will be scripting via teamviewer until i can build trust.

You must be active to script
You must know how to script and fix atleast simple issues
You must be people friendly and have the ability to take moderate stress at times.
You will need to be ready when something is needed to be scripted.

You must be active atleast some times so i can have you do some scripting work.
You must only script what i need you to script unless you ask permission to script other things.
You must be fluent in english.

Other Details:

A server full of people who will appreciate your work.

Lenient times (maybe scripting every few days to up to once a week or less if you want)

We will offer lessons on how to RP if you need them.

Not very strict about rules

We wont treat you like crap and we will appreciate all your work.

You get to set your own house rules about scripting that we will respect.

And other things

Contact info:

Xfire: fisheagle
Skype: fisheagle13
steam: [GE2]FishEagle

Re: Hiring a scripter. - nmader - 19.11.2011

How about this, I am making a server myself, one of the "payments" could be shared TS channel or something, and what kind of problems are we talking about?

Re: Hiring a scripter. - GangsTa_ - 19.11.2011

Originally Posted by James.Clement
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Job details:
1. No payment (But i might pay you during holidays at steam game sales)
Uh, good luck on finding one.

Re: Hiring a scripter. - GtasaPoliceModz - 01.01.2012

I learned to script zcmd about 2 months ago if you want I can Help you out ?
Ill do anything through free.
also I ll do it through teamview!!!

Re: Hiring a scripter. - Dan_Barocu - 02.01.2012

I was on youre server to help you but..your admin gave me ban for non rp driving...

Re: Hiring a scripter. - [ABK]Antonio - 02.01.2012

Originally Posted by James.Clement
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I have alot of issues with my game mode that i cannot fix that i do not have a scripter for, so i am hiring a scripter.

Job details:
1. No payment (But i might pay you during holidays at steam game sales)
3. Once we build trust, FTP access.
5. You will be scripting via teamviewer until i can build trust.

You must only script what i need you to script unless you ask permission to script other things.
Yeah? So basically...We would be forced to do as you say for no pay, can't even upload it when we want and are watched the entire time?

Re: Hiring a scripter. - [SP]Mr.Kakashi[WP] - 02.01.2012

if you want to have a Professional scripter you must pay them each month or day. if you just pay them only in Holidays no Pro Scripters going to help you. btw Good luck

Re: Hiring a scripter. - jameskmonger - 06.03.2012

Originally Posted by James.Clement
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A server full of people who will appreciate your work.
All the admins hated me, one of them lied to get me banned.

Originally Posted by James.Clement
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Lenient times (maybe scripting every few days to up to once a week or less if you want)
You expected me to script 24/7, and when I wouldn't, you called me "ungrateful" and said I should "appreciate your generosity" (because, obviously, me scripting for you for free is completely un-generous)

Originally Posted by James.Clement
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We will offer lessons on how to RP if you need them.
No one on your server can roleplay, including you.

Originally Posted by James.Clement
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Not very strict about rules
I got banned.

Originally Posted by James.Clement
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We wont treat you like crap and we will appreciate all your work.
You stole my work.

Originally Posted by James.Clement
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You get to set your own house rules about scripting that we will respect.
One of the players was bugged, so I helped him get out of the bug, but to do so I had to pause the roleplay I was in, and then I got banned for pausing the roleplay.

Don't fall for the same tricks I did guys.