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Problem: Reset when a player relog. - Printable Version

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Problem: Reset when a player relog. - fabriziobondi - 16.11.2011

I'm founding a problem with my GM.
There is connect with a MySql Database and here u are the errors:

[19:00:14] EID: 1054 | Error: Unknown column 'JailCell' in 'field list' | Query: UPDATE users SET Money = '0', CurrentHealth = '100.000000', Bank = '500', Level = '1', HouseKey = '999', BizKey = '999', Rope = '0', Cigarettes = '0', HasGlasses = '0', HasMask = '0', Skin = '46', CurrentX = '1401.015502', CurrentY = '-1622.484008', CurrentZ = '46.049999', CurrentInt = '0', CurrentVW = '0', HasHelmet = '0', PhoneCredit = '0', CurrentArmour = '0.000000', Drug = '0', Materials = '0', FightStyle = '0', Walk = '2', Premium = '0', WalkieTalkie = '0', Phone = '0', Clan = '0', ClanLeader = '0', Faction = '0', CurrentDuty = '0', Rank = '0', CurrentDutySkin = '0', Subfaction = '0', Prestito = '0', Pay = '0', Jailed = '0', JailTime = '0', JailCell = '0', Exp = '0', Years = '0', Pills = '0', Admin = '0', Banned = '0', GPS = '0', Clock = '0', Poste = '0', Worker = '9', Capelli = '0', Helper = '0', MotorBikeLic = '0', CarLic = '0', TruckLic = '0', BusLic = '0', BoatLic = '0', FlyLic = '0', Spawned = '1', password_hash = '323355603', Activity = '999', ActivityLeader = '999', TutorialDone = '1', WepLic = '0', District = '0', SubDistrict = '0', WeaponString = '0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ,0', BanDays = '0,0,0', PremDays = '' WHERE ID = '2'

Someone could help me?

AW: Problem: Reset when a player relog. - Drebin - 16.11.2011

What's the error exactly ?

Re: Problem: Reset when a player relog. - DreamOnIt - 16.11.2011

the JailCell column doesnt exist in your database