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create mode - Printable Version

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create mode - TroyBoy - 16.11.2011

hello i am a basic scripter i know to do things but i want to create a mode can you send me guides that can help me with create mode please

Re: create mode - blazee14 - 16.11.2011

This will help you a lot

Learn the basic then start making a simple DM GameMode. After doing that you will learn much more and that will get you on the right foot to begin making your gamemode of any genre.

Re: create mode - Azzeto - 16.11.2011

Hey, when I first started people kept sending me guides like the one above, BUT I JUST COULDN'T FIGURE IT OUT.
Then some one named Giovanni on MSN Helped me and now i'm an average scripter ( still can't do anything like house systems, advanced faction systems ) But I know the basics, send me a message on MSN and I'll help you with questions.