SetVehicleParamsForPlayer Problem -
Padarom - 11.11.2011
I haven't written a carlock-system before, but now I need one and have quite a big problem.
When vehicles are loaded (out of .ini files) their variable "besitzer" (= owner) are set (either a number, which stands for an airline-id - or a name, which stands for a private owner). My problem at the moment is, that vehicles are not opened to anyone. Neither if I'm airline-member, nor if I'm the private owner of the vehicle.
pawn Код:
public OnVehicleStreamIn(vehicleid, forplayerid)
if(Autozeug[vehicleid][locked] == true)
new name[24];
if(Spieler[forplayerid][airline] == Autozeug[vehicleid][besitzer] || !strcmp(name,Autozeug[vehicleid][besitzer])) SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(vehicleid,forplayerid,0,0);
else SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(vehicleid,forplayerid,0,1);
return 1;
// OnPlayerSpawn:
for(new i=0; i<MAX_VEHICLES; i++)
if(!strcmp(Autozeug[i][besitzer],name)) SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(i,playerid,0,0);
Then I've printed out OnVehicleStreamIn Autozeug[vehicleid][besitzer]. The result was the following:
[19:16:32] Owner: 2
[19:16:32] Owner: PdTrFeFeMkCoMyken
[19:16:32] Owner: FeMkCoMyken
[19:16:32] Owner: MkCoMyken
[19:16:32] Owner: CoMyken
I also printed out the owner on the carspawn, but everything was fine there.
So I wonder where these special characters come from. Also the true owner is a little bit mixed up with other player-names from the server (As you can see above)
I hope you can help me.
Re: SetVehicleParamsEx Problem -
Stigg - 11.11.2011
GetVehicleParamsEx before SetVehicleParamsEx.
AW: SetVehicleParamsEx Problem -
Padarom - 11.11.2011
Oops I mistyped the title, but if you look at my code you see there is no SetVehicleParamsEx but SetVehicleParamsForPlayer - Thats what I wanted, gonna change the thread-title
Re: SetVehicleParamsEx Problem -
Stigg - 11.11.2011
Theres a good example here:
AW: SetVehicleParamsEx Problem -
Padarom - 11.11.2011
Well I used this example for my /lock command, but I cannot figure out my newest bug. I got the lock-system to work with my company system, but cars which have private owners are now open for everybody and can be locked/unlocked by everybody. Hope you can help me:
pawn Код:
public OnVehicleStreamIn(vehicleid, forplayerid)
if(Autozeug[vehicleid][locked] == true)
new name[24];
if(Spieler[forplayerid][aktfirma] == strval(Autozeug[vehicleid][besitzer]) || !strcmp(name,Autozeug[vehicleid][besitzer])) SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(vehicleid,forplayerid,0,0); // aktfirma is the current company-id the player is logged into, besitzer is still the owner of a car (numeric: company-id, non-numeric/string: name of owner)
else SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(vehicleid,forplayerid,0,1);
return 1;
// OnPlayerCommandText
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/lock", true) == 0)
if(GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_TOMATO, "Du musst einen Wagen fahren.");
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), name[24];
if(!strcmp(name,Autozeug[vehicleid][besitzer]) || Spieler[playerid][aktfirma] == strval(Autozeug[vehicleid][besitzer]))
if(Autozeug[vehicleid][locked] == false)
Autozeug[vehicleid][locked] = true;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ColouredText("** Du hast dein Auto #FF6347abgeschlossen#FFFFFF."));
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
if(i == playerid) continue;
if(IsNumeric(Autozeug[vehicleid][besitzer]) && Spieler[i][aktfirma] == strval(Autozeug[vehicleid][besitzer])) SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(vehicleid,i,0,0);
else SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(vehicleid,i,0,1);
Autozeug[vehicleid][locked] = false;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, ColouredText("** Du hast dein Auto #33AA33aufgeschlossen#FFFFFF."));
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
if(i == playerid) continue;
else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_TOMATO, "Du bist nicht der Besitzer dieses Fahrzeuges.");
return 1;