---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3c R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team [05:52:08] [05:52:08] Server Plugins [05:52:08] -------------- [05:52:08] Loading plugin: audio.so [05:52:08] *** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded *** [05:52:08] Loaded. [05:52:08] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [05:52:08] [05:52:08] =============================== [05:52:08] sscanf plugin loaded. [05:52:08] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole [05:52:08] =============================== [05:52:08] Loaded. [05:52:08] Loading plugin: streamer.so [05:52:08] *** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded *** [05:52:08] Loaded. [05:52:08] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so [05:52:08] [05:52:08] ================== [05:52:08] [05:52:08] Whirlpool loaded [05:52:08] [05:52:08] ================== [05:52:08] [05:52:08] Loaded. [05:52:08] Loaded 4 plugins. [05:52:08] [05:52:08] Ban list [05:52:08] -------- [05:52:08] Loaded: samp.ban [05:52:08] [05:52:08] [05:52:08] Filter Scripts [05:52:08] --------------- [05:52:08] Loading filter script 'anime.amx'... [05:52:08] Loading filter script 'gang.amx'... [05:52:08] -------------------------------------- [05:52:08] Gang Wars MavericK 1337 System LOADED [05:52:08] -------------------------------------- [05:52:08] Loading filter script 'GarHouse.amx'... [05:52:08] [05:52:08] ======================================= [05:52:08] | | [05:52:08] | YSI version 1.03.0011 | [05:52:08] | By Alex "******" Cole | [05:52:08] | | [05:52:08] | Checking the latest YSI version.. | [05:52:08] | | [05:52:08] ======================================= [05:52:08] [05:52:08] >> Attempting to load GarHouse v2.0... << [05:52:08] Total House Interiors Loaded: 11. Duration: 2 ms [05:52:08] Total Houses Loaded: 688. Duration: 215 ms [05:52:08] Loading filter script 'LuxAdmin.amx'... [05:52:08] __________________________________________________ _ [05:52:08] [05:52:08] L.A.S v1.6 Beta [05:52:08] --------------- [05:52:08] LuX Administration System [05:52:08] __________________________________________________ _ [05:52:08] -> Loading... [05:52:08] -Current Configurations Successfully Loaded! [05:52:08] [05:52:08] -> L.A.S Basic Loaded Configurations: [05:52:08] AutoLogin: [Disabled] ReadCmds: [Disabled] [05:52:08] AntiSwear: [Enabled!] AntiSpam: [Enabled!] [05:52:08] NameKick: [Enabled!] AntiBot: [Enabled!] [05:52:08] ConnectMsgs: [Enabled!] NoCaps: [Disabled] [05:52:08] AdminCmdMsgs: [Disabled] Anti Ads: [Enabled!] [05:52:08] SaveMoney: [Enabled!] MustLogin [Enabled!] [05:52:08] Forbid Weaps: [Disabled] AdmSkins: [Disabled] [05:52:08] ReadPms: [Enabled!] MaxLevel: [5] [05:52:08] SaveWeaps [Enabled!] Max Ping: [1000ms] [05:52:08] ChatDisabled: [Disabled] MuteWarns: [4] [05:52:08] MustRegister: [Enabled!] AdmSkins [217, 214] [05:52:08] -> Loaded Successfully! [05:52:08] Date: 7/11/2011 - Time: 5:52:8 [05:52:08] __________________________________________________ _ [05:52:08] Loading filter script 'rRace.amx'... [05:52:08] Loading filter script 'Rtune.amx'... [05:52:08] Example Filterscript for "Random Vehicle Tuning Include" has been loaded! [05:52:08] Loading filter script 'SistemAFK2.amx'... [05:52:08] [05:52:08] _____________________________ [05:52:08] | | [05:52:08] |_ Toggleable AFK/BRB System _| [05:52:08] |_ Author: suhrab_mujeeb _| [05:52:08] |_ Release: 1.0b _| [05:52:08] |_____________________________| [05:52:08] [05:52:08] [05:52:08] Loading filter script 'Streamer.amx'... [05:52:09] Loading filter script 'Sumo.amx'... [05:52:09] Loaded 9 filter scripts. [05:52:09] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777 [05:52:09] EnableTirePopping() function is removed. [05:52:09] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3 [05:52:09] Loaded 3 vehicles from: vehicles/trains.txt [05:52:09] Total vehicles from files: 3 [05:52:09] -------------------------------------- [05:52:09] __ __ [05:52:09] /__) _ _ '_ ( _/ _/_ _ _ _ [05:52:09] / ( ()//)(//)/(/ __)/(//)/(/(/(-_) [05:52:09] _/ [05:52:09] -------------------------------------- [05:52:09] ================================ [05:52:09] - Romania StunTage Evolution [05:52:09] - Created By [.E.m.O.]K1DDU [05:52:09] - The New Stunt Generation [05:52:09] - Gamemode: RsE.amx [05:52:09] ================================ [05:52:09] [28528 Objects Loaded] - [Succes] [05:52:09] Number of vehicle models: 102 [05:52:10] [05:52:10] ========================================== [05:52:10] | | [05:52:10] | A new version (v1.04.0000) of YSI is | [05:52:10] | available from: | [05:52:10] | | [05:52:10] | www.y-less.com/YSI/YSI_1.0.zip | [05:52:10] | | [05:52:10] | Changelog: | [05:52:10] | | [05:52:10] | 1.04.0000: | [05:52:10] | | [05:52:10] | RC 1 for YSI 3.0. Available from: | [05:52:10] | http://www.y-less.com/YSI/YSI_3.0.rar | [05:52:10] | - includes MANY new libraries and | [05:52:10] | fixes, see | [05:52:10] | http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php? | [05:52:10] | p=1425938 for more information, with | [05:52:10] | more topics and updates due over the | [05:52:10] | next few weeks. In brief: Added | [05:52:10] | "y_inline", "y_text", "y_users", | [05:52:10] | "y_uvar", "y_svar", "y_remote"; | [05:52:10] | updated "y_timers", "y_iter"; MANY | [05:52:10] | MANY fixes and tweaks in almost every | [05:52:10] | other library. | [05:52:10] | | [05:52:10] ========================================== [05:52:10] ---------- Loaded log file: "server_log.txt". ---------- SA-MP Dedicated Server ---------------------- v0.3c R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team [05:53:45] [05:53:45] Server Plugins [05:53:45] -------------- [05:53:45] Loading plugin: audio.so [05:53:45] *** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded *** [05:53:45] Loaded. [05:53:45] Loading plugin: sscanf.so [05:53:45] [05:53:45] =============================== [05:53:45] sscanf plugin loaded. [05:53:45] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole [05:53:45] =============================== [05:53:45] Loaded. [05:53:45] Loading plugin: streamer.so [05:53:45] *** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded *** [05:53:45] Loaded. [05:53:45] Loading plugin: Whirlpool.so [05:53:45] [05:53:45] ================== [05:53:45] [05:53:45] Whirlpool loaded [05:53:45] [05:53:45] ================== [05:53:45] [05:53:45] Loaded. [05:53:45] Loaded 4 plugins. [05:53:45] [05:53:45] Ban list [05:53:45] -------- [05:53:45] Loaded: samp.ban [05:53:45] [05:53:45] [05:53:45] Filter Scripts [05:53:45] --------------- [05:53:45] Loading filter script 'anime.amx'... [05:53:45] Loading filter script 'gang.amx'... [05:53:45] -------------------------------------- [05:53:45] Gang Wars MavericK 1337 System LOADED [05:53:45] -------------------------------------- [05:53:45] Loading filter script 'GarHouse.amx'... [05:53:45] [05:53:45] ======================================= [05:53:45] | | [05:53:45] | YSI version 1.03.0011 | [05:53:45] | By Alex "******" Cole | [05:53:45] | | [05:53:45] | Checking the latest YSI version.. | [05:53:45] | | [05:53:45] ======================================= [05:53:45] [05:53:45] >> Attempting to load GarHouse v2.0... << [05:53:45] Total House Interiors Loaded: 11. Duration: 1 ms [05:53:45] Total Houses Loaded: 688. Duration: 216 ms [05:53:45] Loading filter script 'LuxAdmin.amx'... [05:53:45] __________________________________________________ _ [05:53:45] [05:53:45] L.A.S v1.6 Beta [05:53:45] --------------- [05:53:45] LuX Administration System [05:53:45] __________________________________________________ _ [05:53:45] -> Loading... [05:53:45] -Current Configurations Successfully Loaded! [05:53:45] [05:53:45] -> L.A.S Basic Loaded Configurations: [05:53:45] AutoLogin: [Disabled] ReadCmds: [Disabled] [05:53:45] AntiSwear: [Enabled!] AntiSpam: [Enabled!] [05:53:45] NameKick: [Enabled!] AntiBot: [Enabled!] [05:53:45] ConnectMsgs: [Enabled!] NoCaps: [Disabled] [05:53:45] AdminCmdMsgs: [Disabled] Anti Ads: [Enabled!] [05:53:45] SaveMoney: [Enabled!] MustLogin [Enabled!] [05:53:45] Forbid Weaps: [Disabled] AdmSkins: [Disabled] [05:53:45] ReadPms: [Enabled!] MaxLevel: [5] [05:53:45] SaveWeaps [Enabled!] Max Ping: [1000ms] [05:53:45] ChatDisabled: [Disabled] MuteWarns: [4] [05:53:45] MustRegister: [Enabled!] AdmSkins [217, 214] [05:53:45] -> Loaded Successfully! [05:53:45] Date: 7/11/2011 - Time: 5:53:45 [05:53:45] __________________________________________________ _ [05:53:45] Loading filter script 'rRace.amx'... [05:53:45] Loading filter script 'Rtune.amx'... [05:53:45] Example Filterscript for "Random Vehicle Tuning Include" has been loaded! [05:53:45] Loading filter script 'SistemAFK2.amx'... [05:53:45] [05:53:45] _____________________________ [05:53:45] | | [05:53:45] |_ Toggleable AFK/BRB System _| [05:53:45] |_ Author: suhrab_mujeeb _| [05:53:45] |_ Release: 1.0b _| [05:53:45] |_____________________________| [05:53:45] [05:53:45] [05:53:45] Loading filter script 'Streamer.amx'... [05:53:46] Loading filter script 'Sumo.amx'... [05:53:46] Loaded 9 filter scripts. [05:53:46] EnableTirePopping() function is removed. [05:53:46] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777 [05:53:46] Warning: EnableZoneNames() is removed since 0.3 [05:53:46] Loaded 3 vehicles from: vehicles/trains.txt [05:53:46] Total vehicles from files: 3 [05:53:46] -------------------------------------- [05:53:46] __ __ [05:53:46] /__) _ _ '_ ( _/ _/_ _ _ _ [05:53:46] / ( ()//)(//)/(/ __)/(//)/(/(/(-_) [05:53:46] _/ [05:53:46] -------------------------------------- [05:53:46] ================================ [05:53:46] - Romania StunTage Evolution [05:53:46] - Created By [.E.m.O.]K1DDU [05:53:46] - The New Stunt Generation [05:53:46] - Gamemode: RsE.amx [05:53:46] ================================ [05:53:46] [28528 Objects Loaded] - [Succes] [05:53:46] Number of vehicle models: 102 [05:53:46] [05:53:46] ========================================== [05:53:46] | | [05:53:46] | A new version (v1.04.0000) of YSI is | [05:53:46] | available from: | [05:53:46] | | [05:53:46] | www.y-less.com/YSI/YSI_1.0.zip | [05:53:46] | | [05:53:46] | Changelog: | [05:53:46] | | [05:53:46] | 1.04.0000: | [05:53:46] | | [05:53:46] | RC 1 for YSI 3.0. Available from: | [05:53:46] | http://www.y-less.com/YSI/YSI_3.0.rar | [05:53:46] | - includes MANY new libraries and | [05:53:46] | fixes, see | [05:53:46] | http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php? | [05:53:46] | p=1425938 for more information, with | [05:53:46] | more topics and updates due over the | [05:53:46] | next few weeks. In brief: Added | [05:53:46] | "y_inline", "y_text", "y_users", | [05:53:46] | "y_uvar", "y_svar", "y_remote"; | [05:53:46] | updated "y_timers", "y_iter"; MANY | [05:53:46] | MANY fixes and tweaks in almost every | [05:53:46] | other library. | [05:53:46] | | [05:53:46] ========================================== [05:53:46] [05:54:31] Incoming connection: [05:54:31] [join] [.E.m.O.]K1DDU has joined the server (0: [05:57:09] [part] [.E.m.O.]K1DDU has left the server (0:1) [08:11:37] Incoming connection: [08:11:38] [join] [EterNity]Alexa has joined the server (0: [08:12:47] [part] [EterNity]Alexa has left the server (0:0) [08:16:39] Incoming connection: [08:16:39] [join] [EterNity]Alexa has joined the server (0: [08:17:16] Incoming connection: [08:17:16] [join] Snakecs has joined the server (1: [08:17:38] [chat] [Snakecs]: sal [08:17:40] [chat] [Snakecs]: cf [08:18:01] [chat] [Snakecs]: cum ma opresc din dansat [08:18:19] OnPlayerCommandText - init [08:18:37] [chat] [Snakecs]: alo [08:18:52] [chat] [Snakecs]: cum m a opresc din dansat [08:19:06] OnPlayerCommandText - init [08:19:15] [part] [EterNity]Alexa has left the server (0:0) [08:19:21] OnPlayerCommandText - init [08:19:46] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 10. [08:19:54] [part] Snakecs has left the server (1:0) [08:20:41] Incoming connection: [08:20:41] [join] [EterNity]Alexa has joined the server (0: [08:21:57] [part] [EterNity]Alexa has left the server (0:0) [08:26:34] Incoming connection: [08:26:34] [join] [EterNity]Alexa has joined the server (0: [08:26:44] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 8. [08:27:13] [part] [EterNity]Alexa has left the server (0:0) [09:15:57] Incoming connection: [09:15:58] [join] [EterNity]JuSt4FuN has joined the server (0: [09:17:38] Incoming connection: [09:17:38] [join] Razor has joined the server (1: [09:18:01] [chat] [Razor]: sall [09:18:04] [chat] [[EterNity]JuSt4FuN]: sall [09:18:12] [chat] [Razor]: esti admin ? [09:18:12] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:18:12] tmp = 3, tmp2(logged) = 1, level = 3 [09:18:16] [chat] [[EterNity]JuSt4FuN]: nup [09:18:19] [chat] [[EterNity]JuSt4FuN]: sunt vip [09:18:23] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:18:23] tmp = 3, tmp2(logged) = 1, level = 3 [09:18:25] [chat] [Razor]: vino la mn [09:18:29] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:18:29] tmp = 3, tmp2(logged) = 1, level = 3 [09:18:30] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:18:38] tmp = 3, tmp2(logged) = 1, level = 1 [09:18:39] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:18:39] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [09:18:43] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:18:43] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [09:18:51] [chat] [Razor]: cum schimb culoarea la nume [09:18:57] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 9. [09:18:57] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 9. [09:19:04] [chat] [[EterNity]JuSt4FuN]: /cmenu nus dak merge la aia care nu-s vipi [09:19:10] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:19:10] tmp = 3, tmp2(logged) = 1, level = 3 [09:19:14] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:19:14] tmp = 0, tmp2(logged) = 1, level = 3 [09:19:20] [chat] [Razor]: nu sunt membru vip [09:20:06] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:20:11] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:20:17] [chat] [Razor]: dai /parkour5 [09:20:25] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:20:56] [chat] [[EterNity]JuSt4FuN]: tre sa intru iar in sampX( mi s-a blocat sa merg numai in fatza [09:21:00] [part] [EterNity]JuSt4FuN has left the server (0:1) [09:21:01] [chat] [Razor]: k [09:21:25] Incoming connection: [09:21:26] [join] [EterNity]JuSt4FuN has joined the server (0: [09:21:42] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:21:42] tmp = 3, tmp2(logged) = 1, level = 3 [09:21:49] OnPlayerCommandText - init [09:21:49] tmp = 3, tmp2(logged) = 1, level = 3 [09:21:55] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:49:53] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:49:55] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:49:58] Incoming connection: [14:49:58] [join] xQUiiK3D has joined the server (7: [14:50:00] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:07] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:08] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:15] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:20] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:34] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:34] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:50:39] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:40] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:41] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:45] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:46] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:51] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:51] [chat] [DroidComando]: ce nesqik? [14:50:56] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:50:58] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:51:04] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:51:04] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:51:09] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:51:12] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:51:15] [chat] [[EterNity]NesquiK]: ziceam k trebuie sa platesti ptr admin [14:51:17] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 7. [14:51:17] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 7. [14:51:17] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 7. [14:51:17] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 7. [14:51:17] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 7. [14:51:17] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 7. [14:51:17] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 7. [14:51:17] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 7. [14:51:19] [death] ChristophSc died 54 [14:51:26] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:51:34] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:51:35] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: cum luai arme? [14:51:38] [chat] [DroidComando]: cne [14:51:44] [chat] [[EterNity]NesquiK]: /ww [14:51:44] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: arma aia droid [14:51:44] [part] xQUiiK3D has left the server (7:0) [14:51:52] [chat] [DroidComando]: /gloop [14:51:55] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:51:56] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:51:56] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:51:59] [chat] [DroidComando]: .aa [14:51:59] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: ms [14:52:00] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:52:02] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:52:02] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:52:06] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:52:06] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:52:09] [chat] [DroidComando]: hai la baza [14:52:12] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:52:12] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:52:27] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:52:31] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:52:37] [chat] [DroidComando]: mi am luatt jetpack [14:52:50] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:52:59] [chat] [DroidComando]: andrey [14:53:01] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: nu merge [14:53:06] [chat] [DroidComando]: andrey [14:53:09] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: da [14:53:23] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:53:35] [chat] [DroidComando]: da f11 si la chat si cauta give jetpack [14:53:53] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: cum? [14:53:54] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:53:54] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:53:57] [chat] [DroidComando]: ce? [14:53:58] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:53:59] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:54:07] [chat] [DroidComando]: ma [14:54:09] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: dau f11 la chat? [14:54:12] [chat] [DroidComando]: da [14:54:13] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:54:16] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: cum? [14:54:18] [chat] [DroidComando]: si caut give jetpack [14:54:24] [chat] [DroidComando]: ia jetpackul asta [14:54:24] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: cum ba [14:54:38] [chat] [DroidComando]: ma [14:54:45] [chat] [DroidComando]: nu poti sa il iei? [14:54:45] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: eu iau masina [14:54:48] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 8. [14:54:48] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 8. [14:54:48] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 8. [14:54:48] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 8. [14:54:48] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 8. [14:54:48] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 8. [14:54:48] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 8. [14:54:51] [chat] [[EterNity]NesquiK]: scrie /ozn mai simplu 8-| [14:54:56] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:54:58] [chat] [[EterNity]NesquiK]: pe urma stop /stophold [14:54:58] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:55:10] Incoming connection: [14:55:11] [join] xXx_vasya_xXx has joined the server (7: [14:55:18] [chat] [DroidComando]: hai la baza acu [14:55:23] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:55:23] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:55:27] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:55:37] [chat] [xXx_vasya_xXx]: Sal all ! [14:55:39] [chat] [[EterNity]NesquiK]: Hy ^^ vasya [14:55:39] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:55:39] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:55:45] [kill] xXx_vasya_xXx killed ChristophSc Sawn-off Shotgun [14:55:48] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: ok [14:55:58] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:56:22] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:56:26] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:56:36] [chat] [xXx_vasya_xXx]: Termina ba cristoph [14:56:39] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:56:44] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:56:47] Incoming connection: [14:56:47] [join] alexx has joined the server (8: [14:56:52] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:56:56] [kill] xXx_vasya_xXx killed ChristophSc Minigun [14:56:58] [chat] [DroidComando]: nesqik [14:57:00] [chat] [[EterNity]NesquiK]: ? [14:57:07] [chat] [DroidComando]: cum intru la lista de prieteni [14:57:07] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:57:11] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:57:11] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:57:15] [chat] [[EterNity]NesquiK]: ce lista? [14:57:21] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: tab [14:57:25] [chat] [DroidComando]: de prieteni [14:57:28] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:57:28] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:57:28] [chat] [DroidComando]: nu de playeri [14:57:29] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:57:29] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:57:30] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:57:30] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:57:32] [part] ChristophSc has left the server (3:1) [14:57:33] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: la tastatura tab [14:57:34] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:57:34] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:57:43] [chat] [[EterNity]NesquiK]: nu e mess aici xD [14:57:44] Incoming connection: [14:57:44] [join] MARIN99 has joined the server (3: [14:57:48] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:57:55] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: aha [14:58:05] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:58:07] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:58:13] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:58:19] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 6. [14:58:19] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 6. [14:58:19] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 6. [14:58:19] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 6. [14:58:19] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 6. [14:58:19] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 6. [14:58:19] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 6. [14:58:19] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 6. [14:58:19] No event could be executed, as RandomEvent = 6. [14:58:22] [chat] [DroidComando]: cum intru in clan sau imi creez? [14:58:24] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:58:26] [chat] [[EterNity]NesquiK]: /gang [14:58:35] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:58:35] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:58:39] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:58:51] Incoming connection: [14:58:51] [join] boss_vlad has joined the server (9: [14:59:04] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:59:04] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:59:07] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:59:07] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:59:24] [chat] [boss_vlad]: sall [14:59:27] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:59:27] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:59:28] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:59:31] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:59:31] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:59:33] Incoming connection: [14:59:34] [join] mario has joined the server (10: [14:59:42] [chat] [[EterNity]NesquiK]: sal [14:59:42] OnPlayerCommandText - init [14:59:42] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [14:59:43] [part] mario has left the server (10:2) [14:59:51] [part] alexx has left the server (8:1) [15:00:06] [chat] [xXx_vasya_xXx]: al cu e gangu PulaMea ? [15:00:10] [part] Trane has left the server (5:0) [15:00:11] OnPlayerCommandText - init [15:00:11] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [15:00:15] [chat] [DroidComando]: .invite [15:00:15] OnPlayerCommandText - init [15:00:18] OnPlayerCommandText - init [15:00:18] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [15:00:18] OnPlayerCommandText - init [15:00:18] Personal NRG Created For xXx_vasya_xXx. [15:00:22] OnPlayerCommandText - init [15:00:22] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [15:00:27] OnPlayerCommandText - init [15:00:29] OnPlayerCommandText - init [15:00:30] Incoming connection: [15:00:30] [join] Catalin has joined the server (5: [15:00:33] [chat] [[EterNity]NesquiK]: nush [15:00:37] [chat] [DroidComando]: andrey [15:00:49] OnPlayerCommandText - init [15:00:49] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [15:00:49] [chat] [xXx_andrey_xXx]: da [15:00:53] Incoming connection: [15:00:53] [join] ExTrEmEGa$TeR has joined the server (8: [15:00:56] OnPlayerCommandText - init [15:00:56] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [15:01:01] OnPlayerCommandText - init [15:01:02] OnPlayerCommandText - init [15:01:02] OnPlayerCommandText - exit [15:01:05] [chat] [DroidComando]: scrie /clan enter si scrie boss [15:01:06] [part] xXx_vasya_xXx has left the server (7:0) [17:40:34] [part] L.Messi has left the server (9:1) [22:18:52] OnPlayerCommandText - init |
From logs, it`s seems the error is some where in configuration: "samp03svr: amx/amxfile.c:222: fputs_cell: Assertion `fp!=((void *)0)' failed." Sincerely, Essex (BS Crew) ZeroPing Telecom SRL |