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Streamer Wont load VPS - Printable Version

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Streamer Wont load VPS - Jason_Thunde - 04.11.2011

Hello ive got a problem with my Plugin it worked on my Home host but not on VPS ?

[13:26:33]  Loading plugin: streamer
[13:26:33]   Failed.
Its Incognito Streamer


Re: Streamer Wont load VPS - Calgon - 04.11.2011

Your home computer is probably running Windows, and your VPS is probably running a dist. of Linux. If this is the case, you need to download the .so version of the streamer plugin and updated your server.cfg on your VPS to '' instead of just having 'streamer'.

Re: Streamer Wont load VPS - Jason_Thunde - 04.11.2011

My VPS Is Windows 2008 sO its not not the problem i think

Re: Streamer Wont load VPS - Calgon - 04.11.2011

Oh, right. Have you installed the latest .NET Framework on your VPS?

Re: Streamer Wont load VPS - Jason_Thunde - 04.11.2011

Dont think so let me try that now

Re: Streamer Wont load VPS - Jason_Thunde - 04.11.2011

DIntent Work?