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Detecting If Vehicle Approaches Person - Printable Version

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Detecting If Vehicle Approaches Person - Simon - 03.11.2011



With this code above I'm trying to see if a velocity vector will intersect with a players position. I want to be able to detect if somebody is driving at a player when they press KEY_FIRE, however, this does not appear to work at all by doing the following steps:
My understanding tells me this should work? Is my understanding of this vector magic incorrect?

Thanks for any help!

Re: Detecting If Vehicle Approaches Person - CyNiC - 03.11.2011

I suggest you to use GetPlayerCameraFrontVector, since you can get a more accurately projectile position based on the player camera.

Re: Detecting If Vehicle Approaches Person - Simon - 03.11.2011

Originally Posted by CyNiC
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I suggest you to use GetPlayerCameraFrontVector, since you can get a more accurately projectile position based on the player camera.
Thanks for the suggestion, however the players camera direction can be changed with the flick of the mouse. It would work nicely if the camera always faced forward.

Re: Detecting If Vehicle Approaches Person - Simon - 06.11.2011

Any other suggestions? Pwetty pwease.

Re: Detecting If Vehicle Approaches Person - Kar - 09.06.2013

I know this post is old, but I've seen recently people wanted the same thing

- Project a point infront of the player
- Check the distance between the vehicle and player
- Check the angle between the vehicle and player or of vehicle
If the angle is in a range that the vehicle is going left or right, and the vehicle has velocity, then yes they drived passed the player
If the angle is directly inversely proportional with a range to the player then the vehicle is coming straight to them, if not, then they are going away from them