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take player gun? - Printable Version

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take player gun? - System64 - 03.11.2011

Hi all, I was wondering, is there any way to take player gun, just specific gun, not all guns?

Re: take player gun? - Hoss - 03.11.2011

Maybe GivePlayerWeapon(giveplayerid,weapon,0 ammo) and he will lose his weapon

Re: take player gun? - System64 - 03.11.2011

I know but sometimes it doesn't work :/ Like for me now :S
Mybe kalcor should make this function, TakePlayerWeapon(playerid, weaponid);

Re: take player gun? - park4bmx - 03.11.2011

What do u mean by take it ?
Like take it from one player and give it to another or just remove a specific weapon
If you want to remove a specific weapon u can get all player guns and save them somewhere
Then Resethisweapons and add all of them again but just don't add the pane that you want to remove

Re: take player gun? - [MWR]Blood - 03.11.2011
Set the weapon specified id's ammo to 0.

Re: take player gun? - BMUK - 03.11.2011

Or search.