eehm want to know something... -
niels44 - 02.11.2011
hey everyone since ive joined the samp forum i see lots of players who have under their msg a line with the gamemodes theyve made but how to make it like that? i want that too XD
Re: eehm want to know something... -
ImprezBart - 02.11.2011
Goto User CP > Edit Signature > And then do your shizzle here.
Re: eehm want to know something... -
vassilis - 02.11.2011
use [code][ / code]
and then to do the url be named do that: [url = linkhere ]name[ /url]
AW: eehm want to know something... -
Drebin - 02.11.2011
For images do
[img]url of picture here[/img]