Timer Help, saving stats - Printable Version
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[Solved] Timer -
LiamM - 01.11.2011
Solved this, thanks Y_Less for trying to help!
Re: Timer Help, saving stats -
LiamM - 01.11.2011
Thats exactly what I did Y_Less but the thing is, it saves ok but if there is more than one player on, you either log in where the other player is AKA Get given there stats.. or spawn in blueberry as CJ, everything gets reset to 0...
Re: Timer Help, saving stats -
LiamM - 01.11.2011
Any ideas on how to fix that?
Re: Timer Help, saving stats -
LiamM - 01.11.2011
Removed the code for certain reasons.
Re: Timer Help, saving stats -
LiamM - 01.11.2011
File is at the top above OnGameModeInit() as
new File[256];
File has never caused me problems before, saving has always worked its just when the timer started it wipes it.
Re: Timer Help, saving stats -
LiamM - 01.11.2011
Sorry to have to constantly post but its fairly urgent that I get this done.. I am not normally bothered how long it takes, I'm willing to rep.