Hey all, need some maths help - Printable Version
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Hey all, need some maths help -
StuffBoy - 01.11.2011
I made this script it removes the ATTRACTORS string and the underscore "_" so i can have the anim name from a extern file, and it works the output is "STEPSIT_IN".
pawn Код:
for(new i; i < 32; i++) // form the anim name
new formatname[64];
format(formatname, sizeof(formatname),"ATTRACTORS_STEPSIT_IN");
if( formatname[i] == '_')
new animname[32];
formatname[i] = ' ';
format(animname, sizeof(animname),"%s", formatname[i]);
printf("formatname = %s", formatname);
printf("anim name %s",animname);
Now i need to make This one Give me only the ATTRACTORS word into libname variable here goes the code too
pawn Код:
for(new i; i < 32; i++)
new formatname[64];
format(formatname, sizeof(formatname),"ATTRACTORS_STEPSIT_IN");
if(formatname[i] == '_')
// new libname[32];
Re: Hey all, need some maths help -
Vince - 01.11.2011
pawn Код:
new formatname[64] = "ATTRACTORS_STEPSIT_IN";
strmid(libname, formatname, 0, strfind(formatname, "_"));
Re: Hey all, need some maths help -
StuffBoy - 01.11.2011
Thanks but i figured out that what i want will not work that way