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Question, - ImprezBart - 01.11.2011

When i test the command it will say Player Not connected.
I don't know what i did wrong

PHP код:
pIDsendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128];
PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < 1) return SCM(playeridCOLOR_LIGHTRED,"[C-RP]: {FFFFFF}You are not authorized to use this");
sscanf(params,"u"pID)) return SCM(playeridCOLOR_LIGHTRED,"[C-RP]: {FFFFFF}/acceptreport [playerid]");
IsPlayerConnected(pID)) return SCM(playeridCOLOR_LIGHTRED,"[C-RP]: {FFFFFF}Player not connected");
PlayerReport[pID] == 1)
PlayerReport[pID] = 0;
format(stringsizeof(string), "[C-RP Admin]: {FFFFFF}%s has just accepted the report of [ID:%d]%s."sendernamepIDname);
format(stringsizeof(string), "[C-RP Admin]: {FFFFFF}%s has accepted your report and will assist you shortly."playeridsendername);
        else return 
SCM(playeridCOLOR_LIGHTRED,"[C-RP]: {FFFFFF}That player didn't send a report!");

Re: Question, - Wesley221 - 01.11.2011

If you are using 0.3d server package, the 'u' parameter in sscanf isnt working YET. Use the parameter 'i' or 'd' instead.

Re: Question, - ImprezBart - 01.11.2011

Ahh, thanks.

Re: Question, - seanny - 01.11.2011

Dont use 0.3d, It aint stable (YET)

Re: Question, - i514x - 01.11.2011

It's for scripting so he can use it, I use it too.

Re: Question, - Zonoya - 01.11.2011

same as user above i use 0.3d