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Small question - FireCat - 01.11.2011

Like I want to do this (in my words):
if player team is different from DRIVER or PILOT send a message.
But if he's a DRIVER and a not a PILOT or vice versa it still sends it,
I can't understand the difference between && and ||. They always confuse me
pawn Код:
if(team[playerid] != DRIVER || team[playerid] != PILOT) return SendClientMessage(playerid,Red,"ERROR: "lgrey"You aren't a "lyellow"driver/pilot"lgrey"!");

AW: Small question - Drebin - 01.11.2011

&& means AND
|| means OR for more info

Re: Small question - Wesley221 - 01.11.2011

So if youre a driver OR an pilot, it shouldnt be sending the message?

Re: AW: Small question - FireCat - 01.11.2011

Originally Posted by Drebin
Посмотреть сообщение
&& means AND
|| means OR
I know, but try and figure it out for my code up there.

Re: Small question - IstuntmanI - 01.11.2011

if(team[playerid] != DRIVER || team[playerid] != PILOT)
( if playerid's team is not driver OR is not Pilot ( he must to be both, so it's impossible ), send the message )
if(team[playerid] != DRIVER && team[playerid] != PILOT)
( if playerid's team is not driver and is not pilot, send the message ).