Finding scripter -pay- - Printable Version
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Finding scripter -pay- -
Endeed - 31.10.2011
I will pay for a scripter or if you want to make it for free i will be glad
Thanks in advance

Re: Finding scripter -pay- -
KoczkaHUN - 31.10.2011
What is the job?
Re: Finding scripter -pay- -
Xx_OutLawZ_xX - 31.10.2011
More Information. What do you want scripted etc
Edit: To Slow :P
Re: Finding scripter -pay- -
Endeed - 31.10.2011
Alot of things I can explain here leave your MSN on PM
Re: Finding scripter -pay- -
Endeed - 31.10.2011
I can't*
Re: Finding scripter -pay- -
American - 31.10.2011
I swear if I were a perfect scripter like ******, I would script for everyone for free and make a website for me to receive your requests

Re: Finding scripter -pay- -
Endeed - 31.10.2011
Who's Y less
Re: Finding scripter -pay- -
$Indian$ - 31.10.2011
I will script for you, not free, depends on what to script.
PM me your MSN if you wanna hire me, Good Luck!
Re: Finding scripter -pay- -
Mr_Scripter - 31.10.2011
don't you think you need to learn script then apply to work?
Re: Finding scripter -pay- -
$Indian$ - 31.10.2011
Originally Posted by Mr_Scripter
don't you think you need to learn script then apply to work?
What do you mean?
lol I'm scripting from 1 - 2 years, but i lost my previous sa-mp pass, i think i will get it soon.