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/Tazer - Printable Version

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/Tazer - Michael[NBK] - 31.10.2011


How can i make a tazer command? i would like the tazer to be a silenced Colt.45 i know how to TogglePlayerControllable but just dont know about the shooting of that player

Thanks in advance

Re: /Tazer - [HiC]TheKiller - 31.10.2011

One topic is enough in the period of a hour. You can use OnPlayerGiveDamage (0.3d) and then give the player back the damage that they lost, this could be used for a tazer.

Re: /Tazer - =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 31.10.2011

ZCMD or strcmp ?

and next time, don't post two threads.

Re: /Tazer - Michael[NBK] - 31.10.2011

Originally Posted by =WoR=G4M3Ov3r
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ZCMD or strcmp ?

and next time, don't post two threads.
Sorry i was explaining more in this thread as the other was more of a basic view. Also i will be using ZCMD.
