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How to give skin to other player (permissions and etc...) - Printable Version

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How to give skin to other player (permissions and etc...) - Artie_Scorpion - 30.10.2011

Hi. I want to make people managers of work (with rcon). Manager will send invite to player (invite will can be sent only if player will have or have 10,000 XP). Then when player get invite, he will enter a pickup and will get skin. And after relog, i want skin saved.

To leave work, he will must to call manager to cancel him from work... Ex. /cancel [Name_Surname] (same with invite command) + (i want to make these command only available with Name_Surname (with part of Name or Surname)

I promise i will give you +1 rep. And everything who is best.

Re: How to give skin to other player (permissions and etc...) - Artie_Scorpion - 31.10.2011

up up

Re: How to give skin to other player (permissions and etc...) - Artie_Scorpion - 01.11.2011

up up omg

Re: How to give skin to other player (permissions and etc...) - Artie_Scorpion - 02.11.2011

up up