My server is ... ****** UP ! -
Elka_Blazer - 30.10.2011
Hello !
I cant believe im here !
but ...
I kinda need ur help guys !
I almost done with my script , I just needed to add some 3d text labels and objects ...
Okey ..
Lets say right now my script is okey .
Its a RP GM.
I get spawned after I login by typing my pass in a dialog .
So everything is ok.
Now , I go and add about 15-20 3dtextlabels .... ( Using streamer - CreateDynamic3DTextLabel )
And about 50 objects ( Using streamer - CreateDynamicObject )
I already had like 7300 objects , and now I added those !
so after I added them , when I login , my login dialog just wont show up !
So I pressed the spawn button without logging in.
Some objects are showing up and some not .
Same with the pickups and 3d text labels ....
also the commands arent working .
I already tried to delete those objects and labels !
I think something is wrong with the streamer but im not sure !
please help me

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c R2, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team
[19:40:33] Server Plugins
[19:40:33] --------------
[19:40:33] Loading plugin: streamer.dll
*** Streamer Plugin v2.5.2 by Incognito loaded ***
[19:40:33] Loaded.
[19:40:33] Loading plugin: audio.dll
*** Audio Plugin v0.4 by Incognito loaded ***
[19:40:33] Loaded.
[19:40:33] Loading plugin: sscanf.dll
[19:40:33] ===============================
[19:40:33] sscanf plugin loaded.
[19:40:33] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole
[19:40:33] ===============================
[19:40:33] Loaded.
[19:40:33] Loaded 3 plugins.
[19:40:33] Ban list
[19:40:33] --------
[19:40:33] Loaded: samp.ban
[19:40:33] Filter Scripts
[19:40:33] ---------------
[19:40:33] Loading filter script 'ls_elevator.amx'...
[19:40:33] Loading filter script 'buttons.amx'...
[19:40:33] Loading filter script 'audio.amx'...
[19:40:33] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777
[19:40:33] Loading filter script 'igmp.amx'...
[19:40:33] Loading filter script 'actions.amx'...
[19:40:33] Loaded 5 filter scripts.
[19:40:33] *** Audio_SetPack: Error opening "audiopacks/default_pack/test.wav" for CRC check
[19:40:33] *** Audio_SetPack: Error opening "audiopacks/default_pack/example.mp3" for CRC check
[19:40:33] *** Audio_SetPack: Error opening "audiopacks/default_pack/track.ogg" for CRC check
[19:40:33] *** Audio_SetPack: Error opening "audiopacks/default_pack/file.wma" for CRC check
[19:40:33] *** Audio_SetPack: Audio pack set to "default_pack" (transferable)
[19:40:33] =======================================
[19:40:33] | |
[19:40:33] | YSI version 1.03.0011 |
[19:40:33] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[19:40:33] | |
[19:40:33] | Checking the latest YSI version.. |
[19:40:33] | |
[19:40:33] =======================================
[19:40:34] Gamemode started.
[19:40:34] Gamemode started.
[19:40:34] Gamemode started.
[19:40:34] TurfTest.
[19:40:34] EventPointsTest.
[19:40:34] EventsPointsTest2.
[19:40:34] Incoming connection:
[19:40:34] GateTest.
[19:40:34] GateTest2
[19:40:34] FinalTest
BTW Sorry for my bad english.
and here the streamer im using
Re: My server is ... ****** UP ! -
Mauzen - 30.10.2011
I really dont get the point of posting this again and again, and now also in multiple sections. This annoys people and stops them from helping you, or mods simply delete them.
If it was the streamer, the problem should disappear after removing the new objects. As it doesnt, I dont think it is the streamer. Make sure you changed nothing else in the code (maybe by accident).
Re: My server is ... ****** UP ! -
Elka_Blazer - 30.10.2011
Its just another section ...
And I tried to use my backup mode but still ....
I also gave the files to my friend to test it at his house but ....!!
Re: My server is ... ****** UP ! -
Elka_Blazer - 31.10.2011
Anyone help please
Re: My server is ... ****** UP ! -
vassilis - 31.10.2011
its not the streamer problem its prbbly because you have add zcmd and strcmp at the same gamemode ( just a guess)
Re: My server is ... ****** UP ! -
Elka_Blazer - 31.10.2011
Well , I understand that the commands wont work if i mix ( zcmd and strcmp )
But why after I login im not getting spawned ? my saved skin isnt loading up ? my money isnt loading up ?
Its like the server is half working and half not ...
BTW when I try to run the server with the rivershell GM its perfect ! so now im sure its something with my GM and maybe his scriptfiles ! but what
Re: My server is ... ****** UP ! -
Elka_Blazer - 02.11.2011
Anyone please