Need help with settimer. - Printable Version
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Need help with settimer. -
Admigo - 30.10.2011
Heey all,
I want to make a timer for backup for police.
So if you use the command for backup your colour will be setted to purple for 3 mins and after 3 mins it will be blue again.
How can i do this because i am not good with timers.
Thanks admigo
Re: Need help with settimer. -
Gamer_Z - 30.10.2011
Re: Need help with settimer. -
Admigo - 30.10.2011
Already readed that,i dont understand it.
This code dont works:
//top of script
forward backuptimer(playerid);
SetTimer("backuptimer",10000,0);//i setted so low for test
public backuptimer(playerid)
return 1;
How can i fix it?
Re: Need help with settimer. -
Jakku - 30.10.2011
pawn Код:
new PlayerTimer[MAX_PLAYERS];
forward Timer(playerid);
PlayerTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Timer", 1000*180, 0, "d", playerid);
public Timer(playerid)
SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_BLUE);
At least this works
1000*180 = 180000 milliseconds = 180 seconds = 180 seconds / 60 = 3 minutes
Hope this helps you and you can build the another timer
Re: Need help with settimer. -
Admigo - 30.10.2011
OMG,Thank you so much.