Need an object ID and I can't find it - Printable Version
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Need an object ID and I can't find it -
LiamM - 30.10.2011
Hey guys, title says it all. I'm currently mapping my bank for my server as the one I had before was causing a few problems with the location provider.
So I was wondering, does anyone know the caligulas down stairs part of the casino? The part with the safe.. You rob it on Single Player at a certain mission, I tried everything I could think of on MTA and no luck.. Thanks
Object name or ID is enough, I can find it from there. Thanks
Re: Need an object ID and I can't find it -
Babul - 30.10.2011
14576 caligulas vault room with stairs
Re: Need an object ID and I can't find it -
LiamM - 30.10.2011
Thats it! Why didn't I think to search the word 'vault' haha. Thanks bro, much appreciated!
Re: Need an object ID and I can't find it -
LiamM - 30.10.2011
P.S, I radded to your rep man! Cheers