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SetPlayerToTeamColor - Printable Version

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SetPlayerToTeamColor - Dripac - 22.10.2011

So i use this to set faction players different color.

But for example i am at LSPD and i invite someone, his color won't change till he reconnect, is there any way to auto change this after invite?

Re: SetPlayerToTeamColor - =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 22.10.2011

Did you use it under the OnPlayerUpdate callback ?

Re: SetPlayerToTeamColor - FireCat - 22.10.2011

Originally Posted by =WoR=G4M3Ov3r
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Did you use it under the OnPlayerUpdate callback ?
It's a bug, not a [HOW TO FIX] thread.

Re: SetPlayerToTeamColor - cruising - 22.10.2011

If the player need to "accept" the invite with a cmd, just put SetPlayerColor(playerid,your color); in the "accept" cmd (or if it was SetPlayerColor(id,your color); )