y_ini AdminSystem - Getting started -
Wesley221 - 21.10.2011
This is an admin system, which uses y_ini, sscanf2 (0.3c), ycmd or zcmd, foreach. It's made from scratch, and its for people who want to start their own admin system, but who are to lazy to script the begin by him/herself.
Everything that you need qua includes, plugins, folders; are inside the download file! The credits from the includes go to the owners which made them.
What does it have:
This adminsystem doesnt contain alot of features, just the basic things.
pawn Code:
- Load & saving player files
* Admin level
* Vip level
* Money
* Score
* Wanted level
* Banned
* Logged
- Showing welcome/leave messages
- Admin chat (# <text>)
- Saving in a log
* Chat log
* Admin chat log
* Ban log
* Kick log
* Command log
- Standart commands (YCMD/ZCMD)
* /setadmin
* /setvip
* /banex
* /kickex
* /setmoney
* /setscore
* /savestats
* /commands
* /slap
Is there anything i need to change before starting it?
There are just a few things you have to change to your own needs, and then you can use it!
pawn Code:
#define pPATH "yiniAdmin/Users/%s.ini" // path to userfile
#define cPATH "yiniAdmin/Logs/CommandLog.txt" // path to commandlog
#define bPATH "yiniAdmin/Logs/BanLog.txt" // path to banlog
#define kPATH "yiniAdmin/Logs/KickLog.txt" // path to kicklog
#define chPATH "yiniAdmin/Logs/ChatLog.txt" // path to kicklog
#define aPATH "yiniAdmin/Logs/AdminLog.txt" // path to adminlog
#define SCRIPTERNAME "Wesley221" // name of the scripter
#define VERSION "v1.0" // version of the script
#define COMMANDLOG true // do you wanna use a command log 'yes || no'
#define BANLOG true // do you wanna use a ban log 'yes || no'
#define KICKLOG true // do you wanna use a kick log 'yes || no'
#define CHATLOG true // do you wanna use a chat log 'yes || no'
#define ADMINLOG true // do you wanna use a admin log 'yes || no'
#define STARTMONEY 500 // with howmutch money do you wanna spawn
#define WRONGCOMMANDMESSAGE "Unknown command. Please use /commands to check the commands" // what message do you want to show if the player enters a wrong command
The only things that you have to change, are just at the top of the script.
pawn Code:
#define DIALOG_LOGIN 51
#define Register ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Register your account", "Welcome to the server! \nSince this is your first time you log in to the server, you have to register your account. \nPlease enter a password you would like to log in with. \nNOTE: The password WONT be visible for anyone. \n\nPassword: ", "Ok", "")
#define Login ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login to your account", "Welcome back to the server! \nPlease enter your password to login to your account. \n\nPassword: ", "Ok", "")
If you dont know what this does, then read this below.
The first 2 lines are the dialogid's from the dialogs we're using to check if youre already registered or not. The second 2 lines, are just 2 defines, where you can call the Login & Register dialogs pretty fast.
The only thing you have to add, is 'Register;' somewhere, and it will show the register dialog. I just did it like this, since i was using the dialogs quite much. Easier for me just to write it once, and after that just using 'Register/Login;'.
Download link
http://www.2shared.com/file/Bhw8aS4_/yiniAdmin.html - using YCMD
http://www.2shared.com/file/xDdprAnK...dmin_ZCMD.html - using ZCMD
Like said above, the download contains every include/plugin you need.
Imma add another downloadlink to solidfiles later, can't upload it to solidfiles somehow.
Some pictures coming soon, aswell as the download link from solidfiles
Suggestions are welcome, tell me if theres something that needs to be added to it.
Re: y_ini AdminSystem - Getting started -
aRoach - 21.10.2011
It looks Great, Good Work, Wesley !
Rep+ !
Re: y_ini AdminSystem - Getting started -
MichaelNerd - 21.10.2011
Me jelly fag D: .
Re: y_ini AdminSystem - Getting started -
[MWR]Blood - 21.10.2011
Good job, although INI systems are getting more and more.
Would be nice to see more MySQL ones!
Re: y_ini AdminSystem - Getting started -
Michael@Belgium - 21.10.2011
It's very good
But i don't understand why you release it as a filterscript
Most members should release it as a "Let's started" - gamemode
Re: y_ini AdminSystem - Getting started -
[MWR]Blood - 21.10.2011
Originally Posted by Michael@Belgium
It's very good But i don't understand why you release it as a filterscript Most members should release it as a "Let's started" - gamemode
This doesn't matter at all!
What would be the difference if it was a gamemode? None. The point of this filterscript is teaching people using Y_INI and admin system basics.
Re: y_ini AdminSystem - Getting started -
Wesley221 - 21.10.2011
Originally Posted by [MWR]Blood
Good job, although INI systems are getting more and more.
Would be nice to see more MySQL ones!
Since im getting an error by following the tut of [HiC]somethingelsehere, i cant really continue with learning MySQL, otherwise i would have made a starting admin system to release it
Originally Posted by Michael@Belgium
It's very good But i don't understand why you release it as a filterscript Most members should release it as a "Let's started" - gamemode
Title: 'y_ini AdminSystem - Getting started', still contains Getting Started
Thanks all
Re: y_ini AdminSystem - Getting started -
Arsham7 - 21.10.2011
Very Helpful thank you!
Respuesta: y_ini AdminSystem - Getting started -
Manuel7284 - 21.10.2011
Good Job!
Re: y_ini AdminSystem - Getting started -
Hiddos - 21.10.2011
Why do some logs already contain data and why are there already two accounts created?
Also, a lot of #define things isn't really going to help people who haven't got any idea on what it means.