[Pedido] Elite Brothers. -
New_Maan - 21.10.2011
Galera , eu achei o Elite ( acho que й liberado para uso '- ) mas nгo tem as script files necessarias para rodar , alguem poderia me passar ?
Re: [Pedido] Elite Brothers. -
Kuddy - 21.10.2011
Tб na mгo.
Re: [Pedido] Elite Brothers. -
New_Maan - 21.10.2011
Leu o topico ? Cara , eu falei que eu tenho sim o GM , sу que ta faltando Script Files , e como ja vi varios sv's usando o Elite como base , alguem tem essas ScriptFiles , e esse alguem deve passar elas , nгo acha ?
Re: [Pedido] Elite Brothers. -
Lуs - 21.10.2011
Se nгo tiver, leia o GM e crie as pastas 1 a 1.
Alйm de vocк aprender vocк vai saber criar sistemas de salvamentos e tudo mais
Re: [Pedido] Elite Brothers. -
New_Maan - 21.10.2011
Eu ainda falei no topico - " ( acho que й liberado para uso '- ) " , nгo afirmei se й ou nгo liberado para uso , como o LAC por exemplo.
Los , ja estudei o script dele e vi os arquivos que estavam faltando , eram carros.cfg , e-mails.ini , alguma coisa assim , mesmo assim , criei os arquivos mas o servidor continua faltando script files ..
Re: [Pedido] Elite Brothers. -
Lуs - 21.10.2011
Geralmente os arquivos sгo criados automaticamente, vocк tem que criar as pastas. Geralmente estб assim:
Entгo vocк tem que criar a pasta
Contas na pasta
Re: [Pedido] Elite Brothers. -
New_Maan - 21.10.2011
Entгo Lуs , o Elite й GF , e usa as mesmas script files que ele . Sу que tem alguns arquivos a mais , dei uma vasculhada e achei o que , pra mim , era sу o que faltava .. Mas ao abrir o servidor , ele abre o console e fecha . Meu server.cfg abaixo:
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password penis
maxplayers 1
port 7171
hostname SA-MP 0.3 Server
gamemode0 ELITE 1
announce 0
query 1
weburl www.sa-mp.com
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 0
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
Acho que ta certinho , nгo ?
O server_log :
[12:08:05] Style RPG| ~
[12:08:05] --------------------------------
[12:08:05] Style [RPG]
[12:08:05] Number of vehicle models: 57
[12:08:05] --- Server Shutting Down.
/\ Sу o fimzin do log .
Re: [Pedido] Elite Brothers. -
Lуs - 21.10.2011
Deleta o server_log. Abre o console, espera fechar de novo e posta o server_log inteiro.
Re: [Pedido] Elite Brothers. -
ViniBorn - 21.10.2011
O servidor tem um arquivo de seguranзa.
Como faz tempo que nгo uso o GM, nгo me recordo bem qual й.
Sem esse arquivo (Se nгo me engano, .cfg) o servidor nгo liga.
Re: [Pedido] Elite Brothers. -
New_Maan - 21.10.2011
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c R5, ©2005-2011 SA-MP Team
[13:42:53] filterscripts = "" (string)
[13:42:53] Server Plugins
[13:42:53] --------------
[13:42:53] Loaded 0 plugins.
[13:42:53] Ban list
[13:42:53] --------
[13:42:53] Loaded: samp.ban
[13:42:53] Filter Scripts
[13:42:53] ---------------
[13:42:53] Loaded 0 filter scripts.
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:0 Dono:The State Cofre 2045 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:1 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:2 Dono:The State Cofre 21600 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:3 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:4 Dono:The State Cofre 3400 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:5 Dono:The State Cofre 77256 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:6 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:7 Dono:The State Cofre 19077 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:8 Dono:The State Cofre 93406 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:9 Dono:O Estado Cofre 100 Veiculo 483
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:10 Dono:The State Cofre 839 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:11 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:12 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:13 Dono:The State Cofre 40600 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:14 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:15 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:16 Dono:The State Cofre 2600 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:17 Dono:The State Cofre 64000 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:18 Dono:The State Cofre 65000 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:19 Dono:The State Cofre 20000 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:20 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:21 Dono:The State Cofre 60000 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:22 Dono:The State Cofre 41351 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:23 Dono:The State Cofre 20000 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:24 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:25 Dono:The State Cofre 70 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:26 Dono:The State Cofre 20000 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:27 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:28 Dono:The State Cofre 124 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:29 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:30 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:31 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:32 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] HouseInfo:33 Dono:The State Cofre 0 Veiculo 418
[13:42:53] BizzInfo:0 Owner:The State Message:~w~Gun Shop 1 Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/500 Interior:1.
[13:42:53] BizzInfo:1 Owner:The State Message:~w~Gun Shop 2 Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/500 Interior:4.
[13:42:53] BizzInfo:2 Owner:Reffechs_State Message:Pershing Square Restaurant Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:100/500 Interior:1.
[13:42:53] BizzInfo:3 Owner:O Estado Message:~w~Police Armoury Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:500/500 Interior:10.
[13:42:53] BizzInfo:4 Owner:The State Message:~w~City Bank Entfee:0 Till:0 Products:99999/100000 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:0 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~Car Renting 1 Taxa:0 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:1 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~Wang Cars Taxa:0 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:2 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~Phone Company Taxa:0 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:3 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~Gas Company Taxa:1 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:4 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~Electricity Company Taxa:0 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:5 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~Car Delivery Taxa:0 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:6 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~House Upgrade Taxa:0 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:7 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~CNN Studio Taxa:0 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:8 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~Tow Car Service Taxa:0 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:9 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~General Store Taxa:0 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:10 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~Paintball Arena Taxa:0 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] SBizzInfo:11 Dono:The State Mensagem:~w~Kart Track Taxa:0 Cofre:0 Produtos:100/100 Interior:0.
[13:42:53] IRC:0 Admin: MOTD: Senha: RequerSenha: 0 Fechado: 0
[13:42:53] IRC:1 Admin: MOTD: Senha: RequerSenha: 0 Fechado: 0
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[13:42:53] IRC:9 Admin: MOTD: Senha: RequerSenha: 0 Fechado: 0
[13:42:53] Family:0 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[13:42:53] Family:1 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[13:42:53] Family:2 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[13:42:53] Family:3 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[13:42:53] Family:4 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[13:42:54] Family:5 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[13:42:54] Family:6 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[13:42:54] Family:7 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[13:42:54] Family:8 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[13:42:54] Family:9 Taken: 0 Name:None MOTD:None Leader:None Members:0 SpawnX:0.000000 SpawnY:0.000000 SpawnZ:0.000000 Int:0
[13:42:54] CK:0 Considerando: 0 Entregador:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[13:42:54] CK:1 Considerando: 0 Entregador:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[13:42:54] CK:2 Considerando: 0 Entregador:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[13:42:54] CK:3 Considerando: 0 Entregador:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[13:42:54] CK:4 Considerando: 0 Entregador:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[13:42:54] CK:5 Considerando: 0 Entregador:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[13:42:54] CK:6 Considerando: 0 Entregador:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[13:42:54] CK:7 Considerando: 0 Entregador:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[13:42:54] CK:8 Considerando: 0 Entregador:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[13:42:54] CK:9 Considerando: 0 Entregador:No-one Giveplayer: No-one
[13:42:54] Paper:0 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[13:42:54] Paper:1 Used: 0 Maker:0
Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[13:42:54] Paper:2 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[13:42:54] Paper:3 Used: 0 Maker:0
Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[13:42:54] Paper:4 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[13:42:54] Paper:5 Used: 0 Maker:0
Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[13:42:54] Paper:6 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[13:42:54] Paper:7 Used: 0 Maker:0
Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[13:42:54] Paper:8 Used: 0 Maker:No-one. Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[13:42:54] Paper:9 Used: 0 Maker:0
Title: No Title. Text1: I have no text inserted here yet. Text2: I have no text inserted here yet. Text3: I have no text inserted here yet. Text4: I have no text inserted here yet. Text5: I have no text inserted here yet. Text6: I have no text inserted here yet. Text7: I have no text inserted here ye
[13:42:54] Style RPG| ~
[13:42:54] --------------------------------
[13:42:54] Style [RPG]
[13:42:54] Number of vehicle models: 57
[13:42:54] --- Server Shutting Down.
Ta ae o log completo , Vini , sу diz uma coisa , o Elite й liberado , certo ? Se sim , tem como tu ver pra mim que arquivo й esse ? ;x