Need a little help with this small variables problem (putting into a string) -
jesse237 - 20.10.2011
So I got this code:
CMD:orderproduct(playerid, params[])
x = getPlayerBusinessID(playerid);
if(playerVariables[playerid][pNormalName] == businessVariables[x][bOwner])
if(sscanf(params, "dddd", ProductID, AmountDeProduct, ProductPrice, ProductSlot)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, SYNTAX_MESSAGE"/orderproduct [Product ID] [Amount] [Product Price] [ProductSlot]");
if(businessVariables[x][bType] == 1)
if(systemItems[ProductID][iType] > 5) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You can only order products from Type 1-5, check /itemslist to see which products you can order");
if(ProductSlot == 1)
systemItems[ProductID][iName] = Product;
Product = businessVariables[x][bProduct1];
businessVariables[x][bProductAmount1] = AmountDeProduct;
businessVariables[x][bProductPrice1] = ProductPrice;
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have ordered [ %d ] of %s on slot %d and set their price to $ %d", businessVariables[x][bProductAmount1], Product, ProductSlot, businessVariables[x][bProductPrice1]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "you dumb as hell");
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"You do not own any businesses");
return 1;
But when doing it ingame all I get is:
"You have ordered [ 40 ] of"
and it stopts there. So there's something wrong with "Product" or %s. I can't really figure that so I hope someone can help me with it.
Re: Need a little help with this small variables problem (putting into a string) -
=WoR=Varth - 20.10.2011
See the result.
Re: Need a little help with this small variables problem (putting into a string) -
jesse237 - 20.10.2011
Tried it, but doesn't show anything IG and in server.exe it returned (null)
also tried print(systemItems[ProductID][iName]); and also returned (null)
but then tried this (removing the variables equalling eachother) And looked if the systemItems[ProductID][iName] actually worked, and it did. 'Cause it said: Beer, Cigar, Sprunk. (my 3 testers in the mySQL database)
so the problem really comes in when I equal the two or three like:
businessVariables[x][bProduct1] = systemItems[ProductID][iName];
systemItems[ProductID][iName] = Product;
Product = businessVariables[x][bProduct1];
Re: Need a little help with this small variables problem (putting into a string) -
=WoR=Varth - 20.10.2011
pawn Код:
systemItems[ProductID][iName] = Product;
Because you just create Product variable without setting it's value.
Re: Need a little help with this small variables problem (putting into a string) -
jesse237 - 20.10.2011
Oh wait, think I messed up, I meant
Product = systemItems[ProductID][iName];
That way the value of Product will be set the same as systemItems[ProductID[iName] right?
but then I get (null)
Re: Need a little help with this small variables problem (putting into a string) -
SloProKiller - 20.10.2011
pawn Код:
format(Product, sizeof(Product), "%s", Product);
Give that a shot.
Re: Need a little help with this small variables problem (putting into a string) -
jesse237 - 20.10.2011
Don't see why I should that, because the whole meaning of this thing is to set Product, the value of systemItems[ProductID][iName]. and formatting, would set the value of Product to that string message, inside the format, if I'm correct.
So in SendClientMessage you'd either get: the string message or "iName" (Cigar, Beer, Sprunk)
Re: Need a little help with this small variables problem (putting into a string) -
SloProKiller - 20.10.2011
Oh sorry, I wrote that wrong. Try
pawn Код:
format(Product, sizeof(Product), "%s", systemItems[ProductID][iName);
Re: Need a little help with this small variables problem (putting into a string) -
jesse237 - 20.10.2011
Nevermind, thanks for helping though! I found the solution.
You can't compare 2 string variables. Just isn't made like that. to do that you have to use strmid
So final code:
CMD:orderproduct(playerid, params[])
x = getPlayerBusinessID(playerid);
if(playerVariables[playerid][pNormalName] == businessVariables[x][bOwner])
if(sscanf(params, "dddd", ProductID, AmountDeProduct, ProductPrice, ProductSlot)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, SYNTAX_MESSAGE"/orderproduct [Product ID] [Amount] [Product Price] [ProductSlot]");
if(businessVariables[x][bType] == 1)
if(systemItems[ProductID][iType] > 5) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "You can only order products from Type 1-5, check /itemslist to see which products you can order");
if(ProductSlot == 1)
strmid(businessVariables[x][bProduct1], systemItems[ProductID][iName], false, 128, 128);
businessVariables[x][bProductAmount1] = AmountDeProduct;
businessVariables[x][bProductPrice1] = ProductPrice;
format(string, sizeof(string), "You have ordered [ %d ] of %s on slot %d and set their price to $ %d", businessVariables[x][bProductAmount1], businessVariables[x][bProduct1], ProductSlot, businessVariables[x][bProductPrice1]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, string);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "you dumb as hell");
Re: Need a little help with this small variables problem (putting into a string) -
=WoR=Varth - 20.10.2011
pawn Код:
strmid(businessVariables[x][bProduct1], systemItems[ProductID][iName], false, 128, 128);
Actually you can just use strcat
For compariong, use strcmp