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Why do i get this? - Printable Version

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Why do i get this? [SOLVED] - park4bmx - 15.10.2011

SOLVED well solved it the problem was that i just got the server files i replaced nearly everything except the Server.cfg so then i looked up the differents and there was the logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S] missing i put it in and it all was functional again

When i add this line to my gamemode
pawn Код:
new Float:Distance = GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(playerid, Gx, Gy, Gz),Str[60];
And then start my server i get this
Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
i done couple of testing and yes im sure it is from that line and i do have the R5 Windows Server

Re: Why do i get this? - Salmon - 15.10.2011

GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint is not defined by your includes, find one that has it.

Re: Why do i get this? - park4bmx - 15.10.2011

I have included the Native two /:

Re: Why do i get this? - System64 - 15.10.2011

download again a_samp or float inc's
also visit

Re: Why do i get this? - park4bmx - 15.10.2011

Originally Posted by System64
Посмотреть сообщение
download again a_samp or float inc's
also visit
the native is in and still dont work /:
compiles 100% no errors no warnnings
but just that what is says in the consol
EDIT well solved it becoue i just got the server fiesl i replaced nearly everything except the Server.cfg so then i looked up the differents and there was the logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S] missing i put it in and it all was functional again