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Need help (again)!!! AFK system for admins (godfather GM) - Printable Version

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Need help (again)!!! AFK system for admins (godfather GM) - Phantomkiller - 14.10.2011

Hello, here i am again...
I have Godfather GM and i noticed there is no afk system, so can somebody
pls "pawn code:" me the command...
Pls answer...

AW: Need help (again)!!! AFK system for admins (godfather GM) - Drebin - 14.10.2011

Search the forum there are a lot of AFK system filterscripts

Re: AW: Need help (again)!!! AFK system for admins (godfather GM) - Yamoo - 14.10.2011

Or just learn to script, and be creative about it.

People may create filterscripts but the only way it's going to be perfect is your way.