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[help]convert to zcmd - Printable Version

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[help]convert to zcmd - antonio600x - 13.10.2011

new cmd[256];
 new idx;
 cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);

    if (streq(cmd,"/setleader1"))
        SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Usage: /setleader1 [playerid]");
        return 1;
    new ID = strval(cmdtext[12]);
    new pName[24], str[64];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
        format(str, 123, "Admin %s has set your the leader of organization Rudyy's Gang.", pName);
        SendClientMessage(ID,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, str);
        SetPlayerColor(ID, 0x00C300FF); // Color
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,28,5000); // Weapon1
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,1,-1); // Weapon 2
        IsInOrg[ID] = 1; // This tells that the user is already in an organization.
        Member[ID] = 1; //This is org id, forexample my org id i want is 1 , so i will put 1, if i want it 2 , i will put 2. Note; do not duplicate the number.
        Leader[ID] = 1; //This will remain as "1". This shows that the player ur setting is a leader.
        IsLaw[ID] = 0; // This shows that the org is not a law enforcement, its a Gang.
        format(str, 123, "You have set a player leader of Rudyy's Gang.");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,red, str);
    return 1;

if(Leader[playerid] == 1) {
if (streq(cmd,"/setmember"))
        SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Usage: /setmember [playerid]");
        return 1;
    new ID = strval(cmdtext[11]);
    new pName[24], str[64];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
     if(IsInOrg[ID] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,"Ths user is already in an organization!");
     else   if(Member[playerid] == 1 && Member[ID] == 0)
        format(str, 123, "Your application to join Rudy's Gang has been accepted by leader %s.", pName);
       SetPlayerColor(ID,0x0000BBAA); //color
        SendClientMessage(ID,green, str);
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,24,250); //weapon1
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,3,99999); //weapon2
        GivePlayerWeapon(ID,29,1000); //weapon3 (optional)
        IsInOrg[ID] = 1; //Shows that the user that leader is recruiting is is in org.
        IsLaw[ID] = 0; //Not a law, gang.
        Member[ID] = 1; // Org ID
        format(str, 123, "You have accepted the following member into your organization.");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, str);
return 1;

     else if (streq(cmd,"/kickmember"))
        SendClientMessage(playerid, red, "Usage: /kickmember [playerid]");
        return 1;

    new ID = strval(cmdtext[11]);
    new pName[24], str[64];

        GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
 if(Member[playerid] == 1 && Member[ID] == 1)
        format(str, 123, "Leader %s has kicked you from organization Rudy's gang.", pName);
        SendClientMessage(ID,COLOR_ORANGE, str);
        SetPlayerSkin(ID, 299);
        Member[ID] = 0;
        IsLaw[playerid] = 0;
        IsInOrg[ID] = 0;
        SetPlayerColor(ID, 0xFFFFFFFF);
        format(str, 123, "You have kicked a player from Rudy's gang.");
        SendClientMessage(playerid,red, str);

return 1;
Can someone convert this into zcmd?

Re: [help]convert to zcmd - Lorenc_ - 13.10.2011

Looks like a amazingly fast piece of code? Are you sure you want to convert to zcmd?

(Go to the scripts request section if this is so..)