if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/cmds", true) == 0) {
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 5, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00FFFF}Commands", "/bones - It changes body parts for the holds, It needs num4 & num6\n/buyweapons - Buy some cheap weapons\n/carmenu - Vehicles Gategories\n/cartune - Tune the car\n/changeskin <id> - Change Skin\n/g <name/id> - Teleport to a player/bot\n/help - If you want some help!\n/hold <modelid> - Hold objects\n/jetpack - Spawn jetpack\n/kill - Suicide\n* Kostas' - The command itself\n/neon - Set neon on under your car", "Cancel", "OK");
return 1;
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/cmds2", true) == 0) {
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 6, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00FFFF}Commands", "/para or /parachute - Spawn parachute\n/search - Type a word and it searchs for possible holds 'ex: hat'\n/ssb 1-3 - it set SpeedBoost on your car <1 - off, 2 - medium, 3 - high>/time 0-23 - Change time 0 to 23\n/teles - See the teleports\n/v [part of name] - Spawn a vehicle. Note: You can use /v [part of name] <color1> <color2>\n/vcontrol - Control you car <Alarm, Bonnet, Boot, Doors, Engine, Lighting>", "Cancel", "OK");
return 1;
//You show a dialog with id 5
if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/cmds", true) == 0)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 5, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00FFFF}Commands", "/bones - It changes body parts for the holds, It needs num4 & num6\n/buyweapons - Buy some cheap weapons\n/carmenu - Vehicles Gategories\n/cartune - Tune the car\n/changeskin <id> - Change Skin\n/g <name/id> - Teleport to a player/bot\n/help - If you want some help!\n/hold <modelid> - Hold objects\n/jetpack - Spawn jetpack\n/kill - Suicide\n* iJumbo - The command itself\n/neon - Set neon on under your car", "Next", "Cancel");
return 1;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
//if the dialog is the dialog with id 5
if(dialogid == 5)
//if response so if player press Next
//show the dialog with id 6
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 6, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00FFFF}Commands", "/para or /parachute - Spawn parachute\n/search - Type a word and it searchs for possible holds 'ex: hat'\n/ssb 1-3 - it set SpeedBoost on your car <1 - off, 2 - medium, 3 - high>/time 0-23 - Change time 0 to 23\n/teles - See the teleports\n/v [part of name] - Spawn a vehicle. Note: You can use /v [part of name] <color1> <color2>\n/vcontrol - Control you car <Alarm, Bonnet, Boot, Doors, Engine, Lighting>", "Back", "Cancel");
//if the dialog is the dialog with id 6
if(dialogid == 6)
//and player press back
//show the frist idialog
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 5, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00FFFF}Commands", "/bones - It changes body parts for the holds, It needs num4 & num6\n/buyweapons - Buy some cheap weapons\n/carmenu - Vehicles Gategories\n/cartune - Tune the car\n/changeskin <id> - Change Skin\n/g <name/id> - Teleport to a player/bot\n/help - If you want some help!\n/hold <modelid> - Hold objects\n/jetpack - Spawn jetpack\n/kill - Suicide\n* iJumbo - The command itself\n/neon - Set neon on under your car", "Next", "Cancel");
return 1;
new ComGeneral[][] =
{ "/login" },
{ "/logout" },
{ "/logkill" },
{ "/kill" },
{ "/register" },
{ "/forum" },
{ "/accept" },
{ "/cancel" },
{ "/graph" },
{ "/joinballas" },
{ "/joinvagos" },
{ "/spawnchange" },
{ "/buyhouse" },
{ "/sellhouse" },
{ "/houseinvite" },
{ "/v" },
{ "/givekey" },
{ "/lock" },
{ "/unlock" },
{ "/winch" },
{ "/join" },
{ "/quitjob" },
{ "/report" },
{ "/paycheck" },
{ "/signcheck" },
{ "/service" },
{ "/lotto" },
{ "/fish" }
if( !strcmp( cmdtext , "/cmds" , true ) )
format( dialog , sizeof(dialog) , "{FFFFFF}%s" , ComGeneral[0] );
for( new i = 1; i < sizeof( ComGeneral ); i++ )
format( part , sizeof(part) , "\n%s" , ComGeneral[i] );
strcat( dialog , part , sizeof(dialog) );
printf( "[string check] dialog length %d ( size %d )" , strlen( dialog ) , sizeof(dialog) );
// use this to check that the size of dialog is sufficient
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid , 5 , DIALOG_STYLE_LIST , "Commands" , dialog , "Close" , "" );
return 1;
pawn Код:
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/cmds2", true) == 0) {
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 6, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00FFFF}Commands", "/para or /parachute - Spawn parachute\n/search - Type a word and it searchs for possible holds 'ex: hat'\n/ssb 1-3 - it set SpeedBoost on your car <1 - off, 2 - medium, 3 - high>/time 0-23 - Change time 0 to 23\n/teles - See the teleports\n/v [part of name] - Spawn a vehicle. Note: You can use /v [part of name] <color1> <color2>\n/vcontrol - Control you car <Alarm, Bonnet, Boot, Doors, Engine, Lighting>", "Cancel", "OK");
return 1;
C:\Documents and Settings\orion\Фб ЭггсбцЬ мпх\Downloads\samp03csvr_R2-2_win32 (2)\gamemodes\Xtreamgaming.pwn(6491) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
1 Error.
There are a number of ways to do this. Here is a way which will make it easier if / when you add new commands to your script.
First, create a global variable. Naturally you will have to put in your own commands and descriptions. pawn Код:
If I were doing it, I would use the list style pawn Код:
To make sure your dialog string is big enough, adjust the size of 'dialog' until it is at least 5 chars longer than the string length. |