Help me with this script please -
Deathtitan778 - 11.10.2011
can someone please make me a script where i can type /setarmy then i can give ranks like /setrank Private or maybe by numbers like /setrank 1 and i want this script can only be used by me [FEAR]Deathtitan77 so if you can make it thx alot if not still thx
2.Private 2
3.Private First Class
7.Staff Sergeant
8.Sergeant First Class
9.Master Sergeant
10.First Sergeant
11.Sergeant Major
12.Command Sergeant Major
13.Sergeant Major of the Army
14.Warrant Officer
15.Chief Warrant Officer 2
16.Chief Warrant Officer 3
17.Chief Warrant Officer 4
18.Chief Warrant Officer 5
19.Second Lieutenant
20.First Lieutenant
23.Lieutenant Colonel
25.Brigadier General
26.Major General
27.Lieutenant General
29.General of the Army
Re: Help me with this script please -
TheNavigator - 11.10.2011
You'll need to define a new integer
And make an if statement according to the number to write the name of the rank beside it
PAWN is stupid unfortunately =(
Re: Help me with this script please -
Deathtitan778 - 12.10.2011
can you please help?
Re: Help me with this script please -
TheNavigator - 12.10.2011
Okay, first you'll need to define a new integer (I guess that's by using #define. I'm sorry but I'm kinda new to PAWN. I can understand it just because I'm a C programmer :/ )
Then you make a command that changes it
for example:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/changerank", true) == 0)
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 0)
(The integer responsible for the rank of ID of the player you entered changes)
return 1;
Re: Help me with this script please -
grand.Theft.Otto - 12.10.2011
I'll attempt to make it for you.
Only if you use DCMD or ZCMD. I'm not too used to strcmp.
Re: Help me with this script please -
Deathtitan778 - 18.10.2011
i dont really know much about scripting so i actually dont mind i can map only i just need it to work for a 0.3c R2 server thx guys