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Scripting Machine pawn IDE v2.3.2 -
TheChaoz - 11.10.2011
Scripting Machine pawn IDE
v 2.3.2
їWhat is it?
This is a new full user integrated IDE.
їWhat can it do?- Smart IDE (Designed for SA-MP pawn scripters)(See v2.0 and higher)
- Teleports
- Dialogs (with an advanced previewer)
- Color Picker
- Create Areas
- Convert Objects & vehicles
- A list with all skins and information about each one of them
- A list with all vehicles and information about each one of them
- A list with all sounds and it's IDs
- A list with all anims stored by libraries
- A list with all weapons stored by categories
- A list with all map icons and some information about each one them
- A list with all sprites stored by files.
- Avaliable Languajes: English, Espaсol, Portuguкse, Deutsch
- To see a full description of Scripting Machine, visit the project web page.
See changelog
v1.0 - v1.0.3- First release.
- Fixed some bugs.
v1.1- Added CMYK & HSL format (main color picker).
- Added support for multiple colors for areas.
- New format to export areas (now suport diferent colors).
- Added zoom to areas.
- 0.3d MoveObject support.
- Added 0.3d skins.
- Added 0.3d sprites.
- Added command prossesor selection to 'Gates' tab.
- Deutsch support.
- Improved memory usage.
- Fixed some bugs on the dialog's previewer.
- Added a color picker for dialogs.
- Fixed some script generated bugs.
- SetPlayerWorldBounds support. (Idea by AdonisxD)
- Now Find works as a Find Next too.
- The program load faster now.
v1.1.1- Fixed a bug related to object converter.
v2.0- Gate Maker removed
- Pickup Maker removed
- Resources folder removed
- Fixed many bugs from old version
- Multiple files on diferent's tab with context menu
- Full list of all avaliable includes
- Smart includes detection (just the ones u include on the file, detect commented lines)
- Syntax highlight (even custom functions)
- Folding
- Smart Autocomplete:
- Detect:
- Colors
- Embedded colors (declared between "", with or with out brackets)
- Menus
- Textdraws
- 3DTextlabels
- Files
- Native defined types (dialogs, weapons, etc)
- Types for native and some custom functions
- Does not show up on commented lines
- Autocomplete callbacks
- Smart indentation
- Color picker:
- Embedded & common format
- Export color direct to current doc
- Dialog previewer & maker:
- Real embedded color support (RGB hex & defined colors)
- Export code direct to current doc
- Teleport maker:
- Export generated code direct to current doc
- Area maker:
- Export generated code direct to current doc
- Object & Vehicle converter:
- Option to put objects into an array
- Option to put vehicles into an array
- Convert interior (only MTA 1.1 for Incognito's streamer)
- Posible to use AddStaticVehicleEx or AddStaticVehicle
- Compiler:
- Use pawncc.exe
- Manage errors in a detalied list
- Output is separated from the Error List
- Goto line on error/warn selection
- Info with exporting format(Skins, Vehicles, Weapons, Sprites, Map icons)
- Image icon on "SetPlayerSkin" function
- Show selection length on text selection
- If the file is not saved the tab will display a " #" after the file's name
- File association
- Unlimited Tabs
- Single Instance Application
- Option to restore all unsaved open files on crash
- Help params box of the current function
- Hot key "Ctrl+Space" to show help params box of the current function
- Current param on help box will be blue
- Possibility to re-order tabs
- Smart help box
- Almost all menu function with Hotkeys
- Intagrated defined colors on secondary color picker (common or embedded)
- XML config file (not INI like old version)
- Detect when a include can't be read (warn icon for "#tryinclude" & error icon for "#include")
v2.0.1- Fixed a bug that randomly crash the application on start
- Fixed a bug related to special chars
- Fixed a bug related to files opening
- Fixed a bug that display a wrong image on map icons images
v2.1.0- Fixed a bug related to crash during color exporting from tools.
- Fixed a bug that crash the app when an error was selected.
- Fixed a small bug that define a color when it was supposed to export the color only.
- Fixed copy, cut, paste functions from the toolbar, now they work as expected.
- Fixed Undo/Redo functions, now they work as expected.
- Fixed lost forms when they lost focus.
- Fixed a bug that saves/compile a file when "Cancel" was pressed.
- Fixed a bug that didn't allow to search vehicles by it's names.
- Fixed a bug that mess up tabs ids when a tab was closed.
- Unused code removed.
- Added support for custom syntax highlight, now you can select colors for each style.
- Added support for custom input format for the object converter.
- Added option to convert objetct's world (if posible).
- Added support to select images from system (You can now pick between: default images, from url, from file). When an Image (from skins, vehicle, etc) can't be loaded, the app will try to load the default one.
- Optimized Object/vehicle conversion code.
- Updated ScintillaNet to a new version.
v2.1.1- Fixed a crash related to "Ctrl+Space" hotkey.
- Fixed a crash related to Prediction system.
- Improved GetCurrentFunction and GetCurrentParamIndex.
- Added support to open multiple files at same time.
- Added help box to see selected function header (only for "Includes" and "Current" lists).
- Fixed a bug that creates a .xml file when the script was compiled.
v2.1.2- Fixed a crash related to Prediction system.
- Added ".IPL" as input format for object convertions.
- Fixed a bug that didn't fix custom objects model ids.
v2.2.0- Fixed a little bug with the zoom on the Areas.
- Fixed tabs size (now it's 4) and it should mess pawno indents.
- Fixed a small bug that crash the app while closing options form.
- Fixed several and major bugs from Areas tab, now it should be working as expected.
- Fixed a bug related with 'MultiF.vb' form.
- Fixed several crash bugs related to Prediction system.
- Fixed a small bug related to the auxiliar color picker.
- Fixed a small bug related to custom syntax colors.
- Now Syntax colors load from start.
- Added contact info and 'Report bug' link to ****** project's web.
- Added Gate Maker, now with player team support.
- Added Encoding types (UTF-8(default), ASCII, Big Endian Unicode and Unicode).
- Added custom color for comments and background color.
v2.2.1- Fixed a bug related to team restriction on Gates.
- Fixed a bug related to error list with it's lines and selecting.
- Fixed a translation error.
- Fixed a some bug related to Includes detection.
- Removed extra code.
- Added a context menu (right click menu) to error and warnings's list (copy selected row, copy all, clear)
v2.3.0- Fixed a bug related to Automatic Gates.
- Fixed several bug related to custom syntax colors.
- Fixed a little bug with the auxiliar color picker.
- Fixed a bug with Area Maker that crash Clients game.
- Fixed a bug related to includes lists.
- Fixed a minor bug related to prediction system.
- Fixed a bug that didnt allow to open 2 diferent files with the same name.
- Fixed a bug that didnt detect callbacks declared using the proper way: "forward public Callback(params);".
- Fixed some minor bugs related to the opening of files.
- Removed unused code.
- Optimized code.
- Now all folding points start folded.
- Added "Preprocessor" to custom syntax colors.
- Added "Reload" option to reload the file from the tabs context menu.
- Added custom publics declarations by macros (Beta).
- Added Drag & Drop to open files.
- Added an option to change main background color or every background color (from mains color).
v2.3.1- Fixed a small bug related to new instances names.
- Fixed a bug that crash the app when transparent colors were used for background.
- Fixed a bug that didn't read includes as expected.
- Fixed a bug that didn't allow the user to enter new data when do: (Ctrl+A)+{Delete selection}.
- Fixed a bug with Files arrays/variables detection for autocomplete.
- Fixed a bug that didn't close the help box with params when the function was fully completed.
- Fixed several minor bugs related to 'Areas' tab.
- Fixed a bug related to the display of vehicles's images.
- Almost all variable/arrays/functions/etc detection system (from includes/current file) was rebuild, now it's faster and without known bugs.
- Updated ScintillaNet (version 2.5.1).
v2.3.2- Fixed a bug related to includes list that cause crash
- Fixed a bug that didn't allow to write on the main text box
- Fixed a bug that mess default weapons images due an index error
- Fixed a bug that didn't update "output" when selected file change
- Fixed a bug related to saving/opening files when the app crash
- Fixed a minor bug related to the secondary color picker
- Fixed a minor bug related to color loading
- Fixed a bug that crash the app when u don't have permisions to edit registry keys (for the association with .pwn and .inc files)
- Fixed a bug that mess coords when converting a object from SA-MP format to any other format.
- Fixed a bug that generate an invalid code for full automatic gates.
- Showing selected function header from includes list is back
- Added option to delete or not .xml file when compiling
- Added ScintillaNet license
- Optimized the code by using ScintillaNet CallTip insted of a custom control
- Updated credits
v1.0, v1.1.0 & v1.1.1
Net Framework 3.5
v2.0 - v2.3.2
Net Framework 2.0
You can report and see the bugs
here or u can send an email to
Binary(if you already have the resources, just replace the old binary with this one)
Resources only
Binary+Resources(Download for first time)
v2.0.0 - v2.3.2
If you have any suggestions, please pm me or write them here, if i find it useful, it will be added in future versions.
Respuesta: Scripting Machine -
RcoN! - 11.10.2011
Respuesta: Scripting Machine -
Bastian_Rivera - 11.10.2011
very Good !!! !!
Respuesta: Scripting Machine -
Jovanny - 11.10.2011
good job
Respuesta: Scripting Machine -
TheChaoz - 11.10.2011
There is a bug on 'Gates' (solved) but i'm currently updating the new files. when i finish i'll edit this post.
binary updated
source updated
Re: Scripting Machine -
Yamoo - 11.10.2011
Nice stuff man, I won't personally use it but I'm sure plenty of other people would.
Have some rep.
Re: Scripting Machine -
MusicBeast - 11.10.2011
This is going to be useful, thank you.
Re: Scripting Machine -
[O.z]Caroline - 11.10.2011
Very GooD!
+reputation !
Re: Scripting Machine -
KoczkaHUN - 11.10.2011
pawn Code:
for(new i; i<GetMaxPlayers(; i++{
Respuesta: Re: Scripting Machine -
TheChaoz - 11.10.2011
Originally Posted by KoczkaHUN
pawn Code:
if(!GateMoving)){ for(new i; i<GetMaxPlayers(; i++{
solved. thx for reporting it
Respuesta: Scripting Machine -
Manuel7284 - 11.10.2011
Good Job!
AW: Scripting Machine -
DogZone - 12.10.2011
Nice Work.
I Using this Tool and a works good.
I have a little bug by Dialoge --> generate make a ")" more back "if(dialogid == DIALOG_BEISPIEL)" and by "if(response)"
sry my English
lg. DZ
Respuesta: AW: Scripting Machine -
TheChaoz - 12.10.2011
Originally Posted by DogZone
Nice Work.
I Using this Tool and a works good.
I have a little bug by Dialoge --> generate make a ")" more back "if(dialogid == DIALOG_BEISPIEL)" and by "if(response)"
sry my English
lg. DZ
fixed, uploading new files
Re: Scripting Machine -
aminj - 14.10.2011
wow man you make my work more easier


Re: Scripting Machine -
Kostas' - 14.10.2011
Nice Job!
Re: Scripting Machine -
Dredd - 14.10.2011
Nice ! Awesome!
Re: Scripting Machine -
EladNahum - 15.10.2011
Thank you!
Re: Scripting Machine -
davve95 - 15.10.2011
Thank you!, sounds very good going to download
Re: Scripting Machine -
Mr_Scripter - 15.10.2011
Wow it\'s cool ++Rep++
Re: Scripting Machine -
EladNahum - 15.10.2011
somebody can do mirror?