Help Making Admin Command -
Warren - 10.10.2011
Hello, I have this if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/weapons", true)) , I need the cmd to be for RCON admins only, any help please?
Re: Help Making Admin Command -
TheLazySloth - 10.10.2011
add if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))
in front of it.
Re: Help Making Admin Command -
Warren - 10.10.2011
Thankyou, how would i add a message like "You must be RCON Admin to use that command"
Re: Help Making Admin Command -
TheLazySloth - 10.10.2011
if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) // if not an rcon admin
{SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You must be RCON Admin to use that command!"); //send message
} else {if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/weapons", true)) // checks if player typed /weapons
{// blahblahblah
Edit: Aha, mmm it might be better this way....
if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/weapons", true)) // checks if player typed /weapons
if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) // if not an rcon admin
{SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You must be RCON Admin to use that command!"); //send message
} else {// blahblahblah
Re: Help Making Admin Command -
Warren - 10.10.2011
I have this
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/weapons", true))
if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/weapons", true)) // checks if player typed /weapons
if(!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) // if not an rcon admin
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You must be RCON Admin to use that command!"); //send message
} else {
// blahblahblah
But it dont work it just makes the if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) pointless
Re: Help Making Admin Command -
GrimR - 10.10.2011
Use this inside of the strcmp:
pawn Код:
if (strcmp())
if (!IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { return // message here }
The strcmp being your /weapon and if not RCON admin you just return SendClientMessage() that they are not RCON admin and it will exit the function so no more processing is done, hence why it is only one line.
Re: Help Making Admin Command -
[HiC]TheKiller - 10.10.2011
Just do this
pawn Код:
if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/weapons", true) && IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))
That way, the command won't be called if the player is not admin
Re: Help Making Admin Command -
GrimR - 10.10.2011
I think the OP wants to notify the user though, where the example I provided will do so with one line, no need for else or brackets on multiple lines.
Re: Help Making Admin Command -
grand.Theft.Otto - 10.10.2011
pawn Код:
if (strcmp(cmdtext, "/weapons", true, 8))
// weapon stuff here
return 1;
} else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You Must Be An RCON Administrator To Use This Command.");
Re: Help Making Admin Command -
TheLazySloth - 10.10.2011
All of these will work, can we stop posting code now?