Help :s -
FireCat - 09.10.2011
Hello, why is it, that when I load this FS, no one can join my server, they get stucked at "Joining..."?
And in my samp-server.exe it stucks at the FS loading?
Re: Help :s -
Ash. - 09.10.2011
Just try commenting out "LoadProps();" in OnFilterScriptInit, just to see the outcome.
Re: Help :s -
FireCat - 09.10.2011
Originally Posted by funky1234
Just try commenting out "LoadProps();" in OnFilterScriptInit, just to see the outcome.
If I comment it, it loads everything correctly.
Re: Help :s -
Ash. - 09.10.2011
So then,
pawn Код:
stock LoadProps()
new file[128],ownername[23],name[200],ownerstring[200];
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PROPS;i++)
PInfo[i][XPos] = INI_ReadFloat("XPos");
PInfo[i][YPos] = INI_ReadFloat("YPos");
PInfo[i][ZPos] = INI_ReadFloat("ZPos");
PInfo[i][Price] = INI_ReadInt("Price");
PInfo[i][Ownings] = INI_ReadInt("Ownings");
PInfo[i][World] = INI_ReadInt("World");
PInfo[i][Owned] = INI_ReadInt("Owned");
PInfo[i][Pickup] = CreatePickup(1273,23,PInfo[i][XPos],PInfo[i][YPos],PInfo[i][ZPos],PInfo[i][World]);
if(PInfo[i][Owned] == 1)
format(ownerstring,sizeof(ownerstring),""lyellow2"Prop name: %s \nOwner: %s \nCost: %i \nOwnings: %i \nProperty id: %i",PInfo[i][Name],PInfo[i][Owner],PInfo[i][Price],PInfo[i][Ownings],i);
PropLabel[i] = Create3DTextLabel(ownerstring,white,PInfo[i][XPos],PInfo[i][YPos],PInfo[i][ZPos]+0.7,PROP_DEFAULT_LABEL_DISTANCE,PInfo[i][World]);
format(ownerstring,sizeof(ownerstring),""lyellow2"Prop name: %s \nOwner: None \nCost: %i \nOwnings: %i \nProperty id: %i",PInfo[i][Name],PInfo[i][Price],PInfo[i][Ownings],i);
PropLabel[i] = Create3DTextLabel(ownerstring,white,PInfo[i][XPos],PInfo[i][YPos],PInfo[i][ZPos]+0.7,PROP_DEFAULT_LABEL_DISTANCE,PInfo[i][World]);
printf("Loaded properties: %i",PropCount);
return 1;
Is causing issues. Does it print "Loaded properties.."?
Re: Help :s -
FireCat - 09.10.2011
Originally Posted by funky1234
So then,
pawn Код:
stock LoadProps() { new file[128],ownername[23],name[200],ownerstring[200]; for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PROPS;i++) { format(file,sizeof(file),File,i); if(INI_Exist(file)) { INI_Open(file); INI_ReadString(ownername,"Owner",23); INI_ReadString(name,"Name",200); format(PInfo[i][Owner],23,"%s",ownername); format(PInfo[i][Name],200,"%s",name); PInfo[i][XPos] = INI_ReadFloat("XPos"); PInfo[i][YPos] = INI_ReadFloat("YPos"); PInfo[i][ZPos] = INI_ReadFloat("ZPos"); PInfo[i][Price] = INI_ReadInt("Price"); PInfo[i][Ownings] = INI_ReadInt("Ownings"); PInfo[i][World] = INI_ReadInt("World"); PInfo[i][Owned] = INI_ReadInt("Owned"); PInfo[i][Pickup] = CreatePickup(1273,23,PInfo[i][XPos],PInfo[i][YPos],PInfo[i][ZPos],PInfo[i][World]); if(PInfo[i][Owned] == 1) { format(ownerstring,sizeof(ownerstring),""lyellow2"Prop name: %s \nOwner: %s \nCost: %i \nOwnings: %i \nProperty id: %i",PInfo[i][Name],PInfo[i][Owner],PInfo[i][Price],PInfo[i][Ownings],i); PropLabel[i] = Create3DTextLabel(ownerstring,white,PInfo[i][XPos],PInfo[i][YPos],PInfo[i][ZPos]+0.7,PROP_DEFAULT_LABEL_DISTANCE,PInfo[i][World]); } else { format(ownerstring,sizeof(ownerstring),""lyellow2"Prop name: %s \nOwner: None \nCost: %i \nOwnings: %i \nProperty id: %i",PInfo[i][Name],PInfo[i][Price],PInfo[i][Ownings],i); PropLabel[i] = Create3DTextLabel(ownerstring,white,PInfo[i][XPos],PInfo[i][YPos],PInfo[i][ZPos]+0.7,PROP_DEFAULT_LABEL_DISTANCE,PInfo[i][World]); } INI_Close(); PropCount++; SetGVarInt("Pickups",GetGVarInt("Pickups")+1); } } printf("Loaded properties: %i",PropCount); return 1; }
Is causing issues. Does it print "Loaded properties.."?
Yes, but it freezes there instead of continue with like y_ini updates stuff, like it normaly should do.
Re: Help :s -
Ash. - 09.10.2011
But you're not using y_INI?
Re: Help :s -
FireCat - 09.10.2011
Originally Posted by funky1234
But you're not using y_INI?
Sorry, I'm using YSI.
I men't YSI in the other post.
And I'm using SII.
Re: Help :s -
Ash. - 09.10.2011
Oh haha
Does it go through the loop underneath "LoadProps();"?
(Oh, and another thing - isn't this in the wrong section?)
Re: Help :s -
Zh3r0 - 09.10.2011
What's the definition of 'File' ?
Re: Help :s -
Ash. - 09.10.2011
Originally Posted by Zh3r0
What's the definition of 'File' ?
pawn Код:
#define File "Admin/Props/%i.ini"
I was just looking at that myself!