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buying a radio - Printable Version

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buying a radio - Dripac - 08.10.2011

	    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRadio] > 1)
        		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,14147,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"{B89200}Wдhle einen Song aus den du dir anhцren willst:",songstr,"Einschalten","Ausschalten");
				SendClientMessage(playerid,0xF40B74FF,"Du kannst nur im Fahrzeug den Radio verwenden!");
			return 1;
			SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREY,"Du hast keinen Radio!");
		return 1;
That's what i got for now, the only thing i need is a command /buyradio, and then it will save in the users file "(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRadio] > 1)". And if a player already got a radio he can't Buy it again. Only if player is in this range of point 1211.3070,-916.5763,43.0241

I can script that myself, but it will take me 1 hour to do it and i am tired right now