Timers stops working - Printable Version
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Timers stops working -
cruising - 08.10.2011
i have a timer for auto repair pickup, it works a couple of times and then it stop works, you can pick it up but your vehicle doesn't get repaired.
And i also found a mine script by "Studio FS(Games and Apec)" it counts down from 10 to 0 to activate the mines, if you walk near it, it explode. But also that one stops working after a while, it counts to 0..but no explode when you comes near it.
What can cause these timers to braking down?
If you need to see my pickups codes, just tell me.
Re: Timers stops working -
nilanjay - 08.10.2011
Can you show the coding?
Re: Timers stops working -
cruising - 08.10.2011
Here it is for the repair pickups.
pawn Код:
forward pickup();
public pickup()
newplayer = CreatePickup(1240,14,405.8782,2460.9792,17.2118,-1);
airwolves = CreatePickup(1240,14,1619.4607,1337.4252,10.8095,-1);
bluefoxes = CreatePickup(1240,14,1874.7584,-2288.3972,14.2586,-1);
thunderbirds = CreatePickup(1240,14,-1372.7068,-214.9956,14.1484,-1);
public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid)
if(pickupid == newplayer)
if(GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == 0)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33AA33AA, "Your vehicle has been repaired!");
return 1;}
else if(pickupid == airwolves)
if(GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == 1)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33AA33AA, "Your vehicle has been repaired!");
return 1;}
else if(pickupid == bluefoxes)
if(GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == 2)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33AA33AA, "Your vehicle has been repaired!");
return 1;}
else if(pickupid == thunderbirds)
if(GetPlayerTeam(playerid) == 3)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33AA33AA, "Your vehicle has been repaired!");
return 1;}
return 1;