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Dialog Box - Printable Version

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Dialog Box - Salsa - 07.10.2011

how i resize Dailog_Box Text

Now U seeing [HEAD-ADMIN] LEVEL-5] its small how i can do it large

if(AccInfo[playerid][Level] >= 5)
		new msg[1940];
        new message[] = "\t{ED0C0C} [HEAD-ADMIN] ([LEVEL-5] \n\n";
		new message3[]  ="\n\n/setlevel, /fakechat, /fakedeath, /fakecmd.";
		new message4[]   ="\n\n/god, /sgod, /console.";
		new message5[]    ="\n\n/pickup, /object, /respawncars.";
		new message6[]     ="\n\n/Rcon: /lrcon (Only Rcon Admins) (Use: /rcon lrcon";
		format(msg, sizeof(msg),"%s %s %s %s %s %s %s",message,message3,message4,message5,message6);
		ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2100, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"SAMPEVER PARTY SERVER FOREVER",msg, "Okay","");
		GameTextForAll("", 6000, 0);

Re: Dialog Box - iJumbo - 07.10.2011

? i dont understand what you mean

Re: Dialog Box - Salsa - 07.10.2011

i mean how i can change dialog_box text Size"s

Re: Dialog Box - iJumbo - 07.10.2011

you can change only the color