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How to Create a Panel ? - Printable Version

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How to Create a Panel ? - ServerScripter - 06.10.2011

Is there anyway how to Create User Panel in my Forum ? So , any Player registred in Server , i save their Name + Stats in my Forum Thanks.

Re: How to Create a Panel ? - [GOD]Dragonster82 - 06.10.2011

Wouldn't that be MYSQL

Re: How to Create a Panel ? - Kingunit - 06.10.2011

Seems you don't have knowledge about PHP and MySQL. Start reading my tutorial.

Re: How to Create a Panel ? - ServerScripter - 06.10.2011

I Don't Use MySQL , i just want Create what i said before, BTW , where is Your Tutorial ?

Re: How to Create a Panel ? - Luis- - 06.10.2011

You can't create one unless your script is using MySQL.

Re: How to Create a Panel ? - ServerScripter - 06.10.2011

so , how to Make my Script to MySQL ? Thnaks

Re: How to Create a Panel ? - Jafet_Macario - 06.10.2011

Re: How to Create a Panel ? - ServerScripter - 06.10.2011

I Want Create one with My Register/Login System , i don't have time to Create an other one

Re: How to Create a Panel ? - Kingunit - 06.10.2011

Originally Posted by ServerScripter
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I Want Create one with My Register/Login System , i don't have time to Create an other one
Hire a scripter or forget your UCP.

Re: How to Create a Panel ? - ServerScripter - 06.10.2011

I Forgot the UCP... Maybe Later.