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Steve Jobs died - Joe Staff - 06.10.2011

Apparently Steve Jobs died

Re: Steve Jobs died - grand.Theft.Otto - 06.10.2011

Rest In Peace, co-founder of Apple Incorporated.

Re: Steve Jobs died - Pharrel - 06.10.2011

lol that is so awkward i was talkin about him early without know that he was dead o_O

Re: Steve Jobs died - Retardedwolf - 06.10.2011

Has anyone realised, before someone dies no-one really cared about them. Until they die people make a big fuss about them like Michael Jackson.

Re: Steve Jobs died - Lorenc_ - 06.10.2011

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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Has anyone realised, before someone dies no-one really cared about them. Until they die people make a big fuss about them like Michael Jackson.
Haha, this is so damn true. Later on people were playing MJ's music every day at school. God, I laughed that they couldn't give a single brave man some rest in peace :S

repped for that comment, inspired me

Re: Steve Jobs died - Joe Staff - 06.10.2011

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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Has anyone realised, before someone dies no-one really cared about them. Until they die people make a big fuss about them like Michael Jackson.

When I was texted that Micheal Jackson died by a random number, I replied "lol"

When I learned Steve Jobs died I said "Steve Jobs is dead? Was it iCancer?"

Re: Steve Jobs died - Kyosaur - 06.10.2011

Originally Posted by Retardedwolf
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Has anyone realised, before someone dies no-one really cared about them. Until they die people make a big fuss about them like Michael Jackson.
I actually disagree. People have always cared for Michael Jackson, there's a reason he's called the king of pop (hell he's still to this day on the billboard charts for thriller).

I respected both Jobs, and Jackson before their deaths. Both of them were truly great. RIP.

Re: Steve Jobs died - Saurik - 06.10.2011

Originally Posted by Bakr
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You're just an idiot, TBH.

Re: Steve Jobs died - Hiddos - 06.10.2011

Originally Posted by Joe Staff
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When I learned Steve Jobs died I said "Steve Jobs is dead? Was it iCancer?"

Sucks to be Steve I guess. But then again, people die daily.


Re: Steve Jobs died - MP2 - 06.10.2011

Originally Posted by Joe Staff
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When I learned Steve Jobs died I said "Steve Jobs is dead? Was it iCancer?"
That's funny, but wrong.

'Apparently'? has a memorial thing up, I think it's pretty confirmed.