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ini SetString problem - Printable Version

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ini SetString problem - SanAndreasVille - 01.10.2011

public OnPlayerRegister( playerid, password[ ] )
    new p_str[ 48 ], str[ 32 ], playerFile;
   	format( p_str, sizeof( p_str ), PLAYER_FILE, PlayerName( playerid ) );
 	if( !fexist( p_str ) )
 	    new hour, minute, second;
 	    getdate( gYear, gMonth, gDay );
 	    gettime( hour, minute, second );
	 	playerFile = ini_createFile ( p_str );
		format( str, sizeof( str ), "%i/%s/%i - %02d:%02d:%02d", gDay, Months[ gMonth-1 ], gYear, hour, minute, second );
	ini_setString ( playerFile, "Date_Registered", str );
		ini_setString ( playerFile, "Password_hash", Whirlpool_hash( password ) );
	                     //ini_setString ( playerFile, "Admin", 0);
		//ini_setString ( playerFile, "Admin", Account[playerid][Admin] = 0);		ini_closeFile ( playerFile );
		SendClientMessage( playerid, RULE, "finish" );
		PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1058, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
		SetPVarInt( playerid, "pLogged", 1 );
I want to do a query if someone is admin but it'll always fail
what is here wrong
I want him to write in the ini file Admin == 0
C:\AV.pwn(4819) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.

Re: ini SetString problem - [HiC]TheKiller - 01.10.2011

It's a string value that you need to set, not a integer.

AW: ini SetString problem - SanAndreasVille - 01.10.2011

I can do this best?

AW: ini SetString problem - SanAndreasVille - 10.10.2011

now i have this

public OnPlayerRegister( playerid, password[ ] )
    new p_str[ 48 ], str[ 32 ], playerFile;
   	format( p_str, sizeof( p_str ), PLAYER_FILE, PlayerName( playerid ) );
 	if( !fexist( p_str ) )
 	    new hour, minute, second;
 	    getdate( gYear, gMonth, gDay );
 	    gettime( hour, minute, second );
	 	playerFile = ini_createFile ( p_str );
		format( str, sizeof( str ), "%i/%s/%i - %02d:%02d:%02d", gDay, Months[ gMonth-1 ], gYear, hour, minute, second );
		ini_setString ( playerFile, "Date_Registered", str );
		ini_setString ( playerFile, "Password_hash", Whirlpool_hash( password ) );
                                           ini_setString(playerFile,"AdminLevel", "0");		ini_closeFile ( playerFile );
		SendClientMessage( playerid, RULE, "Dein Account wurde erfolgreich erstellt" );
		PlayerPlaySound( playerid, 1058, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
		SetPVarInt( playerid, "pLogged", 1 );
how can I retrieve rank as admin? in this script

stock LoadPlayerData( playerid, file[ ] )
    new explode_str[ 128 ], str[ 28 ], data[ 2 ];
	new playerFile = ini_openFile( file );
	format( str, sizeof ( str ), "Month_kills_%i", gYear );
	ini_getString ( playerFile, str, explode_str );
	explodevalue( p_month_kills[ playerid ], explode_str, "|" );
	format( str, sizeof( str ), "Month_deaths_%i", gYear );
	ini_getString ( playerFile, str,  explode_str );
	explodevalue( p_month_deaths[ playerid ], explode_str, "|" );
	ini_getString ( playerFile, "Total_kills_deaths", explode_str );
	explodevalue( data, explode_str, "|" );
	SetPVarInt( playerid, "pKills", data[ 0 ] );
	SetPVarInt( playerid, "pDeaths", data [ 1 ] );
	ini_closeFile ( playerFile );