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320 X 480 Games??? - Printable Version

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320 X 480 Games??? - jotan. - 01.10.2011

Does anyone have 320 x 480 java games to work on my LG Optimus GT540??

Re: 320 X 480 Games??? - iPLEOMAX - 01.10.2011

****** & ******* is your BEST FRIEND.

Use them..

Re: 320 X 480 Games??? - jotan. - 01.10.2011

Didnt found mate..

Re: 320 X 480 Games??? - iPLEOMAX - 01.10.2011

I found a bunch.

Begin here:


Re: 320 X 480 Games??? - =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 01.10.2011

Re: 320 X 480 Games??? - suhrab_mujeeb - 01.10.2011, they provide great games, all you need is an account. Then search for your phone and on the left you will see to download themes, games and other cool stuff.

EDIT: Here you go

AW: 320 X 480 Games??? - Dripac - 01.10.2011

Don't you have something on your phone like "Android Market"?

Re: 320 X 480 Games??? - jotan. - 02.10.2011

Hah,My 2.1 Android dont support alot apps and,I want Java ones!!