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Can't compile Luxdmin in Pawno - Printable Version

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Can't compile Luxdmin in Pawno - arafa001 - 26.09.2011

every time it try to compile Luxdmin in Pawno i got the errors


D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 079: inconsistent return types (array & non-array)
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strfind"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strdel"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strins"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 079: inconsistent return types (array & non-array)
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "ispacked"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : warning 201: redefinition of constant/macro (symbol "MAX_STRING")
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "isNumeric"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strcmp"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : warning 203: symbol is never used: "ignorecase"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "strtok"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 021: symbol already defined: "strreplace"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strfind"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strcat"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strcat"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strlen"
D:\Games\XtreameGaming Gamemode\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "strfind"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.

Re: Can't compile Luxdmin in Pawno - [MWR]Blood - 26.09.2011

I'd rather suggest you using 0Admin... LuxAdmin is getting old and outdated!

Re: Can't compile Luxdmin in Pawno - BigAl - 26.09.2011

You have probably removed a bracket in your script somewhere. Works fine for me... make sure you have a closing bracket...

Re: Can't compile Luxdmin in Pawno - arafa001 - 26.09.2011

thanks that really helped