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Anyone recommend a good host ? - Printable Version

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Anyone recommend a good host ? - [LHT]Bally - 26.09.2011

Can anyone recommend me a good host as my service was suspended by jihost, due to it being my first host and i had the server cfg set up wrong for slots i bought a 70 slot server but my cfg said 71 . so anyone recommend a host please ?

Re: Anyone recommend a good host ? - Kostas' - 26.09.2011

Check here:

Re: Anyone recommend a good host ? - [LHT]Bally - 26.09.2011

thanks i will check it out

but iveheard bad things about a few so i would like peoples opinions

Re: Anyone recommend a good host ? - JiHost - 26.09.2011

Your service was suspended due higher slot usage than bought. I don't think any host will allow that, good luck.

Re: Anyone recommend a good host ? - [MWR]Blood - 26.09.2011

I'd recommend Volt host.

Re: Anyone recommend a good host ? - [LHT]Bally - 26.09.2011

i havent said anything bad about you i also stated that i have had a higher slot count "by mistake" its my first time buying a host, so im new to it all .

a warning instead to change it could have helped first i would of paid for the extra slot

Re: Anyone recommend a good host ? - Babul - 26.09.2011

i just have set my servers player amount to 41 instead of the 40 slots i bought, on PURPOSE. then i saved the server.cfg and startet the server. you know what happened? it got set back to 40 players...
thats what i call a basic, simple, Babul (aka Idiot) -proof-CP. i did a "mistake" and they corrected it (not. their script did, lol). iam sure they wont send me a warning. the maintainer of your hosting "company" doesnt seem to be able to
if (MaxPlayers set by a new user > bought playerslots)
MaxPlayers set by a new user = bought playerslots;
thats... impressing. i hope you learned that the world is full of this behavior:
"i take your money, and wait for a mistake caused by my shitty services offered, then i fuck you."
i cant tell about other hosting companies, didnt test them - i was lucky to find a company which looks and acts like one.
i bet you will find a company which will work good for you. a trial account for a few days are find to estimate the FTP upload speed, the CPU performance, and indeed the network connection (ping is most important for you indeed). try everything out, including setting a too-high player slot amount and look what happens.
i wish you good luck @ finding a good server.

Re: Anyone recommend a good host ? - =WoR=G4M3Ov3r - 26.09.2011


Re: Anyone recommend a good host ? - Riddy - 26.09.2011

Nitro Servers - pfhhhtt who am i kidding, Volt-Host for sure

Re : Anyone recommend a good host ? - Naruto_Emilio - 26.09.2011

Volt Host of course it's the most trustable awesome hosting company