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[GameMode] [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - Printable Version

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[TDM&Turf]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - .:HustLeR:. - 25.09.2011

I want to realease a gamemode which i have created one year ago with my friend Shukaz. We had a server running called SanFrancisco Mafia Wars. It was quite successful but we decided to stop the project and release the GM. I have already released this gamemode in the germand sa-mp forum one year ago. Now I want to release it here
Login/Reg System.
Duel System
Dm System (6 aviable areas such like deagleDM,tacticDM,streetfightDM)
Turfsystem(6 Mafias and 12Ganzones)
and more ...

Lines 5,6k

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - .:HustLeR:. - 01.11.2011


AW: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - Forbidden - 02.11.2011

Gute Arbeit
But there are better streamer and much better ini-reader like y_ini or somethink else.
But pretty good,
hдttest es lieber hier verцffentlicht und nicht im dummen breadfish forum ,wo sowieso jeder die Credits rauslцscht...

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - .:HustLeR:. - 07.11.2011

Jo habs ja auch hier verцffentlicht. Besser spдt als nie :P

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - ikbenremco - 20.11.2011

How to make your self admin ?

Respuesta: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - jaiser - 20.11.2011

WoW , It seems wonderfull, I am going to try it.


Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - Fr33doM - 23.02.2012

Епать кого я встретил)
Спомнил сервер твой, я там даже админом был)))

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - SLCOOLJ - 23.02.2012

its good but i found a bug i got my score for max rank and it didnt work i mean like i used luxadmin to set score and it didnt work so i actually have to earn it? D:

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - .:HustLeR:. - 19.03.2012

no do not use any of adminsystem because it could cause bugs. You have an intergrated Adminsys in the script.

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - Derek_Westbrook - 19.03.2012

Hmm can you put all the server files their?So it will be easy and create a Admin system VIP SYSTEM TOO!!AND HOUSE AND AND AND BUSINESS HOUSE !!!

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - [GF]Logic - 19.03.2012

Don't want to be rude but it doesn't have much options i think it is so simple i mean login & Register is not a hard thing to make etc make something different like Derek said

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - Derek_Westbrook - 19.03.2012

Originally Posted by Vedo_
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Don't want to be rude but it doesn't have much options i think it is so simple i mean login & Register is not a hard thing to make etc make something different like Derek said
Yeah,you're right man.

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - .:HustLeR:. - 23.03.2012

Originally Posted by Vedo_
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Don't want to be rude but it doesn't have much options i think it is so simple i mean login & Register is not a hard thing to make etc make something different like Derek said
ehm no the Admin System in there is not that simple it has alle important commands
[Moderator] /a /dec /freeze /unfreeze /explode /spectate /kick /takeweaps /clear /seecash ");
[Administrator]: /giveweapon /tele /gethere /setskin /heal /armour /sethour /setweather");
[Super Admin]: /gmx /ban /setscore /setdeaths /setkills /givecash /setcash /veh");

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - TaCo A - 24.03.2012

when you register it doesnt save your account

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - Madox123 - 01.04.2012

Originally Posted by TaCo A
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when you register it doesnt save your account

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - AhmadKing - 16.04.2012

can't make my self admin

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - ROCK__STAR - 17.04.2012

its great i used it in my server , but how will i make myself max admin level? when i used /makeadmin command it says u need to be server owner and i am .....

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - AhmadKing - 17.04.2012

pls answer me any1!!!

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - umarmalik - 17.04.2012

Looks nice going to test it + REp :P

Re: [TDM]SanFrancisco Mafia Wars 3.1 - Sig - 17.04.2012

how to make my self admin?