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Netflix - Haydn - 22.09.2011

Hey, I was wondering,How many of you use Netflix? And like it? I use it all the time! Better than cable. Haven't turned my TV on in a week!

Re: Netflix - Toni - 22.09.2011

I use it (currently on the free month trial) and well just saying for only like 8 bucks a month to stream unlimited movies to your computer or any devices that can use it well, it's well worth the money (really worth it). I haven't tried using dvd's yet cause I'm too lazy to ask for them to ship and wait for it but some movies aren't all streamed. So I might have to try it sooner or later.

Re: Netflix - Haydn - 22.09.2011

Originally Posted by Toni
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I use it (currently on the free month trial) and well just saying for only like 8 bucks a month to stream unlimited movies to your computer or any devices that can use it well, it's well worth the money (really worth it). I haven't tried using dvd's yet cause I'm too lazy to ask for them to ship and wait for it but some movies aren't all streamed. So I might have to try it sooner or later.
I used to use their DVD service, But I never watched them

Re: Netflix - Code_Red - 22.09.2011

No thank you, i use these types of services for free.
I believe that in 20 years nobody will use televisions anymore, everything is going to be on the computer.

Re: Netflix - Hal - 22.09.2011

Originally Posted by Code_Red
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I believe that in 20 years nobody will use televisions anymore, everything is going to be on the computer.
Wrong, people will still use televisions, just televisions will have transformed. They will be more of a computer, but not.

Originally Posted by Code_Red
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No thank you, i use these types of services for free.
He is asking people IF they use netflix, not asking them TO use netflix.

OP: I use netflix everyday, but they only have streaming available in Canada....

Re: Netflix - Emmet_ - 22.09.2011

I use it, it's nice, but no porn.

Just kidding lol, I'm surprised it came to CA because it sounded awesome when I first heard about it.

Re: Netflix - Haydn - 22.09.2011

Originally Posted by Code_Red
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No thank you, i use these types of services for free.
I believe that in 20 years nobody will use televisions anymore, everything is going to be on the computer.
If you look into TVs right now, You will see they are becoming more of a computer, as said above. They have The internet built in, 3D, WiFi and other things, A big step up from this

Re: Netflix - linuxthefish - 22.09.2011

Useless and expensive.

Re: Netflix - Hal - 23.09.2011

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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Useless and expensive.
Expensive? People pay five times that amount for a CELL PHONE. Actually, I pay like 6 or 7 times the monthly charge of netflix for my cell phone.

Renting two DVD's costs the same as one month of netflix.

Re: Netflix - Haydn - 23.09.2011

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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Useless and expensive.
$7.99 is expensive? LOL