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PICKUP ERROR - Printable Version

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PICKUP ERROR - Serifukas - 21.09.2011

Hi everyone

I Have a problem with my house pickups then i enter the house pickup he set my to interior
but then I want to exit I exit the building and I again appear on pickup and he set my again to interior.
What can by wrong what I must do?
Please help I need this.

Re: PICKUP ERROR - antonio112 - 21.09.2011

Give us the pickup code ... which should be in OnPlayerPickUpPickup callback.

Re: PICKUP ERROR - Battleskull - 21.09.2011

Originally Posted by Serifukas
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Hi everyone

I Have a problem with my house pickups then i enter the house pickup he set my to interior
but then I want to exit I exit the building and I again appear on pickup and he set my again to interior.
What can by wrong what I must do?
Please help I need this.

There is a couple solutions to your problem.

First: You could offset the players coordinates on exit interior.

Second: Create a variable lastenter[playerid] = blah
onplayerpickup if lastenter[playerid] = pickupid return 1;

Third: Set the marker type to disappear after pickup for short time.

Feel free to ask about any of those solutions.

Re: PICKUP ERROR - Serifukas - 21.09.2011

This is my house exit command :

        if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/exit", true))
		    new house = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
		    SetTimerEx("WantPickup",7000,0,"i",playerid); //exiting
			return 1;
This is pickup code :


 	if(pickupid > pickups[0][namai]-1 && pickupid < pickups[1][namai]+1) //HOUSES
	    new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];

		if(!strcmp(name,houseDB[pickupid][owner_name],true)) //If player house owner
			SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR,"* {00FFEE}This is your home! {FFFFFF}House commands:");
			SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR,"* {6EF83C}/heal /selhouse ");
			SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR,"* {FF00EA}/exit");
			new inter = houseDB[pickupid][setting];
			return 1;
My created pickups codes looks like this :

pickups[0][namai]=CreatePickupA(1273 ,2, -2789.889404, -181.189849, 9.991617); 
CreatePickupA(1273 ,2, -2791.019531, -82.611297, 7.195312); 
CreatePickupA(1273 ,2, -1810.5671,1325.5807,8.1552); 
CreatePickupA(1273 ,2, -2482.7854,121.7706,32.1258);
pickups[1][namai]=CreatePickupA(1273 ,2, -2216.985351, 577.820617, 35.171875);

Re: PICKUP ERROR - Battleskull - 21.09.2011

A possible solution would be to use GetXYBehindPlayer and store that location when they enter then teleport them there when they exit.

Another solution is to subtract like -5 from the exit coordinate like so. But that may lead to putting them in wall xD

Another solution is to make them type /enter similar to grand larceny or press enter when they are on the pickup.

Float:GetXYBehindPlayer(playerid, &Float:q, &Float:w, Float:distance)


new Float:a;

GetPlayerPos(playerid, q, w, a);

if (GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), a);

else GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, a);

q += (distance * -floatsin(-a, degrees));

w += (distance * -floatcos(-a, degrees));

return a;


Re: PICKUP ERROR - Serifukas - 21.09.2011


Re: PICKUP ERROR - Riddick94 - 21.09.2011

The best sollution for it is OnPlayerKeyStateChange. Just place your code to enter building into OnPlayerKeyState change after some key pressed. For example:

pawn Код:
if(newkeys & KEY_SPRINT)
// Your code to enter an interior.
But if you wan't to make it other way tell me. I will try to help you just think for a better sollution

When you're editing your post type edit:// and then tell us you fixed it.