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how to install MYSQL? - Printable Version

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how to install MYSQL? - maziar_gholipour - 21.09.2011

hey guys anyone knows how to install mysql for my server? and another question is that is MYSQL and SQLite diffrent? whats the diffrence?

Re: how to install MYSQL? - [MWR]Blood - 21.09.2011
Paste the include and the plugins in your server directory, load them and you're ready to go!

Re: how to install MYSQL? - maziar_gholipour - 21.09.2011

what about SQLite? how to install that?!

Re: how to install MYSQL? - Jafet_Macario - 21.09.2011

Re: how to install MYSQL? - maziar_gholipour - 21.09.2011

but this is registration system...i want SQLite include and plugin :S

Re: how to install MYSQL? - Jafet_Macario - 21.09.2011

It doesn't exists.

Re: how to install MYSQL? - maziar_gholipour - 21.09.2011

i mean i installed VIP system that requires SQLite... should i install that registration system to use it?

Re: how to install MYSQL? - maziar_gholipour - 21.09.2011

please somebody tell it